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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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I finally finished The Missing Sister in The Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley!! These books are all sooo good. I appreciated this particular one because my ancestors are from Ireland and lived through the times documented. I loved having all the sisters involved in this one. I can‘t wait to read the final book!! #BookSpin #BFC #SeriesLove24 #Buzzword2024 #JumpStart24 #ReadAway24 #BookChain

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 9mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 9mo
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My #mtcookbook pile. I‘m struggling. I must get my diabetes and inflammation under control. I know diet will help. I hate to cook. So i‘m hopeful to get a simple meal plan planned. Maybe Use 1 book a week? I‘m not sure yet of that. But seeing the cookbooks on #mtcookbook is inspiring. How does one learn to enjoy cooking? My dear #bfc group has been hearing my struggle for years!

wanderinglynn I‘m afraid I can‘t help you as I hate cooking. I too need to do better with nutrition, but cooking is such a chore for me! 10mo
Jari-chan I used to hate cooking too, but I tried to make it as easy as possible for me. Frozen veggies and cans with already cooked beans. One pot meals actually means to just throw in what you have. Or the same but throw it into the oven. You don't have to follow a recipe step by step (that's why I like cooking more than baking). Adjust it to your taste and what you have at home. 10mo
IndoorDame I used to love it. I found it totally zen and creative. Now I just don‘t have the physical strength or stamina a lot of my old recipes or the cleaning that comes with. I don‘t cook as much as I should/used to/want to… but I favor recipes that can go in the oven, be cooked in ceramic nonstick (I swear it takes almost no effort to wash!), don‘t have a ton of ingredients… 10mo
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Bookwormjillk I don‘t know if I can help you not hate cooking but audiobooks make it easier for me! 10mo
intothehallofbooks A couple of years ago my doctor suggested a Mediterranean diet to me as it is largely a non-inflammatory diet and the foods are mostly good for diabetics as well. I switched my rices and breads to long grain and whole grain when I could, and I incorporated a lot of brown rice, chickpeas, and quinoa as a base. My joints feel so much better, and when I slip back into a lot of white rice and bread, I can really feel it in my body… 10mo
intothehallofbooks Hang in there! There are great cookbooks and resources available! My favorite are America‘s Test Kitchen Mediterranean cookbooks. I have tagged one that I love. 10mo
TheBookHippie If you lived closer you could pick up a plate every night 🙃. Learn to love a crockpot, put it in before work- come home, it‘s cooked. Menus help for cooking and shopping ♥️ 10mo
MicrobeMom @Chrissyreadit you got this! I feel your struggle! I have put on so much weight in the last year. I think positive affirmations help. You can do this! Simple food with simple healthy ingredients! I believe in you. 10mo
julieclair Some of these cookbooks look really good. I, too, am not fond of cooking. And I definitely need to lose weight. I agree with @TheBookHippie that the crockpot is a great tool. I love the Fix and Forget It crockpot cookbooks. Have you seen 10mo
julieclair I like your one book a week idea. Try one book for a week, and if the recipes aren‘t grabbing you, move on. 10mo
mabell I‘m sorry, Chrissy! That does sound like a struggle! I didn‘t know you didn‘t like to cook! A few suggestions - if browsing for a recipe is fun, then do that and see what sounds good. Once you have a recipe, take shortcuts! Use readymade components when you can, such as sauces, and get pre-prepped ingredients, like the fresh chopped vegetables from the produce department. The more it is just assembling, the easier and less overwhelming it seems. 10mo
Crazeedi Chrissy just use as close to the earth ingredients as you can. I will look and see what simple recipes I have especially for someone in your situation, not sure. Hugs! 10mo
Mitch Hi honey. I‘d make it super simple and choose just one book and stay with it for a while. Books often need a few key ingredients or techniques and then it becomes economical and straight forward to have a limited pantry and one book xx 10mo
Tamra @Chrissyreadit I would make it easy on yourself and shoot for one new recipe a month or maybe one every other week. We all know how LIFE interferes. 😉 This is supposed to be fun, so look for things that are simple and will bring you pleasure.💙💙 (edited) 10mo
Tamra I love 12 months of Monastery Soups! 10mo
Chrissyreadit Thank you so much for all of the encouragement and thoughtful responses! All greatly appreciated and helping this feel less like a chore. I‘m going to try one book at a time - but ingredients i easily have, and can buy frozen/pre cut. @wanderinglynn @Jari-chan @IndoorDame @Bookwormjillk @intothehallofbooks @TheBookHippie @MicrobeMom @julieclair @mabell @Crazeedi @Mitch @Tamra 10mo
TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit ♥️♥️♥️ 10mo
julieclair I think your plan sounds smart and doable, Chrissy. 👍💙 10mo
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Okay. First off, I gave this 5 stars. I listened to the audiobook narrated by Lauren Graham who was perfect for this book. I loved it, but I have to warn you, if you are considering this book and you are BFFs with your daughter or your mother, make sure you have a supply of tissues handy. It was a good story and there was a twist that maybe I should have seen coming, but I didn‘t. Anyway, Lauren Graham was great! #BookSpinBingo #BFC #BookChain

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1y
Clwojick Well done! 1y
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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I fell off the Litsy bandwagon this year, but want to hop back on with three goals for the month of December

1. Saline nose rinse every day
2. Move outside: a walk around the neighborhood or yardwork 3 days/week
3. Clear/clean a shelf, surface or drawer 2 days/week

This is the path in the park in my neighborhood

#BFC2022, #WanderingLyn

wanderinglynn I too fell off the #BFC wagon! Moving and house hunting took up all my bandwidth. Would you be interested in doing a new #BFC in the new year? 2y
bnp @wanderinglyn - yes, I would definitely like to do this again. 2y
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Read this for #booked2022 #includesarecipe 😊
Great little book, I enjoyed it. So happy to see that the author is doing well these days after such an unexpected and traumatic health scare ♥️ Only side effect: made me wish I enjoyed cooking more at this point in my life 😂
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Chrissyreadit I often wish I enjoyed cooking. 2y
CBee @Chrissyreadit I do too, all the time! I‘d love to bake cookies and cakes and all sorts of yummy food, but I‘m too tired 😂😂 2y
Chrissyreadit @CBee same! I am happy when I do cook but it takes me all day between finding what I need and prepping, cooking and clean up. I‘m tired just thinking about it most of the time. 2y
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CBee @Chrissyreadit and you‘re vegan, right? I can imagine that would make it harder 🤔 2y
Prairiegirl_reading I love cooking but I haven‘t been doing as much as I used to. I‘m just too tired! I can‘t even meal plan anymore. 2y
CBee @Prairiegirl_reading I totally understand! 2y
Chrissyreadit @CBee yes vegan- but I suspect cooking is just not my forte. I wonder if it‘s because I finally realize I have ADHD- I burn a lot of food, can‘t remember where I put the can opener down Two seconds before, discover I forget to make sure I had one vital ingredient 😆🤷‍♀️ 2y
CBee @Chrissyreadit oh! Yep, that‘s probably the reason. I think I have it too, or some form of it 🤔 2y
Cinfhen I read this a few years back and loved it too!! I even made a few of the recipes!! BTW- very interesting regarding ADHD and following a recipe/cooking @Chrissyreadit I NEVER thought about that 2y
CBee @Cinfhen I got to the part where she made a certain special cake and holy moly it was four pages of instructions 😂😳 2y
Chrissyreadit @Cinfhen I‘ve always been teased about my scattered cooking skills, and this year realized I check all the boxes for ADHD, and have my entire life! Now I‘m trying to just make a meal plan- this has been my goal since the first round of #bfc and still can‘t! Sigh. 2y
Cinfhen Yeah @CBee I only choose the 8 ingredients or less recipes 😉 2y
CBee @Cinfhen definitely! After 8 or so my brain turns to mush 😂😂 2y
Cinfhen It makes so much sense @Chrissyreadit Sorry it took so long to figure out what you‘re dealing with 💖 2y
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#bfc2022 check in @wanderinglynn my number 1 support is still my #bfc group with @Mitch @MicrobeMom @Blaire @ElizaMarie @Crazeedi so does that make Litsy my fitness app? I also still LOVE the Balance app and recently began using Fitbit- switching from whoop. I love all the resources shared on Lynn‘s post too. Oh and audiobooks when walking.

Crazeedi It sure does!! A great 'fitness app' to my mind!!😘 2y
Mitch Agreed - love our group is a trending app! 2y
MicrobeMom Yay! Totally agree you are all the best support system and Litsy is one my fitness apps! ♥️♥️ 2y
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#BFC June mid-month question.
Top left: Walk To Mordor: a fun way to record walks (I use MapMyFitness for tracking)
Bottom left: Yoga Studio: free & fee. I use the free.
Top right: COVID Coach is a mediation & stress management app that the Department of Veterans Affairs released after everything closed for COVID. I like it.
Bottom right: panel from tagged book showing why I don‘t wear jumpsuits.

Suet624 The yoga one might be something I‘m interested in. 2y
KathyWheeler @Suet624 I really like it. 2y
wanderinglynn 😆😆😆 the jumpsuit comic! 😂 Great app recommendations. 👍🏻 2y
KathyWheeler @wanderinglynn 😄. I‘ve seen so many jumpsuits that I like, but I never get them and that‘s why. 2y
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Suggestion | Illegal Art
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#BFC2022 - time for the June Mid-Month Q!

Remember we broadly define fitness as physical, mental, nutritional, or spiritual.

Mine is Future, which connects to a real life personal trainer. I‘ve used it for 2 weeks & love it! I met my trainer via FaceTime & we talked about my goals. Then he set up a program for me. Bonus, he sees if I complete the workout & I can give him feedback on it. It‘s the accountability I need.

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Chelseabillups30 What is the cost for this?!? It sounds like such a dream!! I wonder if I could find an adaptive PT on it?!? 2y
PageShifter I don't use apps but I think it's important to find the best time of day to have your workout. For example for me it's almost impossible to find some energy to do them after 8PM. 2y
wanderinglynn @Chelseabillups30 https://www.future.co - according to the FAQ, they work with injuries and special needs as long as you‘ve been cleared by your doctor to work out. It‘s $149 monthly. I have 2 1-month free passes. I‘m happy to share one with you. 2y
wanderinglynn @PageShifter great tip! 👍🏻 2y
bthegood I agree with @PageShifter finding the right time for workouts is important in order for me to be consistent and realistic - I work out in the morning usually (unless meeting friends for a walk)- if I am working out by myself I need to do it at a time when I am motivated/energetic - first thing means nothing else can get in the way! Thanks for helping me stay motivated @wanderinglynn - 2y
Bookwormjillk The only thing I use is Fitbit. I like data. 2y
Jerdencon I use my iwatch to track steps and exercise bike workout - and good ole Weight watchers app to track food and scan everything in the grocery store! 2y
julesG To be honest, I've stopped tracking anything. It was freeing no longer having to worry about how I could get another 2k steps into my day, for example. I still do Yoga with Adriene. I try to keep an eye on my water intake; my ingenious system: I have a small glass of water every time I'm in the kitchen. I go to PT twice a week and they set me small but tough tasks to do each day. I sometimes use the Insight Timer App for meditation. 2y
wanderinglynn @julesG 👍🏻 I‘ll have to checkout the insight timer app. (edited) 2y
Allylu I haven‘t been given the go-ahead to start exercising yet, but I keep accountable on my food intake with my Ideal Protein Protocol log book. At the moment, I meet with my coach every week, but soon it will be every-other-week, then once-a-month, so I want to establish my own means of accountability. I like the MyFitnessPal app, but I don‘t count calories and that confuses it sometimes. This group helps me with accountability!! Thank you! 💕 2y
julieclair I wish I had an answer to this question! I have been struggling mightily with lack of motivation. I like @PageShifter , 2y
BarkingMadRead My goal was 10 book and 545 miles on the peloton. I‘m at 6 or 7 books and I have 180 miles to go. I‘m ahead!! 2y
julieclair Hit send too soon! I like @PageShifter ‘s tip about time of day, and @bthegood ‘s idea about mornings. I have just written “Walk” on my calendar for 3 days next week. Thanks for the help, ladies! 2y
katy4peas I‘m taking barre for my workout now and it is very accommodating to my feet problems. It has an app for scheduling before I go to my classes and the app keeps track of how many classes I go to. I pay for the 8 classes a month membership and am really enjoying it! I‘ve been going to the morning classes as they wake me up and give me a peaceful feeling for the day, but I liked the 5:30 classes right after work to relieve the stress of the day too 2y
katy4peas My therapist and I have talked about how we as a society don‘t really know how to check in with our full bodies emotionally. We are never really taught. I‘ve been working on my calming space and emotion tunnels and checking in with my self. Barre helps me move my emotions through my body in an unconscious way as I am stretching and working my muscles. I missed my classes this week for the dr and am interview and I am much more tense than usual. 2y
katy4peas The physical movement is really helpful for moving emotions through the body and helping to release feelings. 2y
PageShifter @julieclair Your comment made me happy, I love mornings and walking is awesome at that time: air is fresh and the world is quiet. I hope you'll find the best time for you. 2y
AbigailJaneBlog Personally, I have 2 types of self care days. The first is the typical idea of self care - I don't do ANY work and just do what my body wants: resting, reading, eating what I want, or walking, taking myself out for coffee, whatever. The other is a "deal with your shiz" day - I cancel any plans/work and get through my to-do list: tidying, admin, errands etc. The first is relaxing, the second deals with things causing me anxiety 2y
IndoorDame My favorite new workout apps are STRETCHIT (which I‘m still on a free trial of & may not keep cause it is expensive. It has a ton of easy to follow classes designed to reach a great variety of flexibility goals. And Feelmo which is a Breathwork app. I‘m finding that while Headspace (which I use daily) is great for centering & grounding me, most of Feelmo‘s routines are actually somewhat physically changing, (in a good way) & perk me up mentally 2y
IndoorDame And my favorite new health apps are FoodToGood, PainScale and Migraine Tracker. All of which have the best analysis of data available I‘ve found so for. Especially FoodToGood (which tracks any ingredients enter that you‘re eating against any symptoms you enter that you‘re experiencing) 2y
BookwormAHN My favorite fitness app is the Conqueror's Challenge. It's an interactive marathon with different themed challenges. Currently I'm doing the LOTR one. 2y
julieclair @PageShifter Thank you for your positive encouragement! 2y
BookishBelle I only use one fitness app. It‘s called interval timer. It lets you set different workout intervals. Like 1 minute high intensity, 15 seconds low intensity. It has options for a warm up and cool down interval. I use it when I strength train so I don‘t have to time everything. 2y
Moll Not really apps but I love Blogilates and Yoga W/ Adriene😊 Action For Happiness is my fave for mental wellbeing🙌 2y
Andrew65 43,297 steps so far, need to pick up the pace for the end of the month, so far read 15 books which I am happy with. 2y
Bookgoil I haven‘t been using any app with any frequency besides Fitbit really and even that I don‘t feel like I‘m engaging with for fitness reasons. I‘m more just following my PT exercises right now and walking my dogs and trying to eat to contentment levels. 2y
KathyWheeler I use MyFitnessPal, MapMyFitness, and Yoga Studio pretty much daily. I like Conqueror as well, but am not currently participating in any of their challenges. 2y
Lynnsoprano I basically stick with the data and motivation of my Apple Watch, plus the resources available on the Weight Watchers app. I have a weekly WW step goal. The way the program is formulated now, so that I earn extra points from activity is good incentive, too. 2y
Lynnsoprano @BookwormAHN I‘ve done Conqueror challenges, too. They‘re fun, and I love the medals. I‘ve done Hadrian‘s Wall, Ring of Kerry, Scotland North Coast 500 and the Cabot Trail. I haven‘t done one in 4 or 5 months, waiting until it‘s a little cooler and I feel like longer walks again. 2y
BookwormAHN @Lynnsoprano Those sound like fun 😺 2y
Read4life I use the data and challenges on my Apple Watch. I like the monthly challenges. 2y
Roary47 I‘ve really been liking “daily yoga” which is making my back feel so much better and I‘m losing weight. 🥰 2y
wanderinglynn @julieclair 👍🏻 scheduling fitness is a good tip! 2y
wanderinglynn @katy4peas barre sounds like a great workout, mentally and physically 🙌🏻👍🏻 2y
wanderinglynn @IndoorDame great recommendations! 👍🏻 2y
wanderinglynn @BookwormAHN 👍🏻 how cool! 2y
wanderinglynn @Moll I hear a lot of good things about yoga with Adriene. 👍🏻 2y
wanderinglynn @Andrew65 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
Jennifer3 My focus right now is staying healthy mentally. Work is a challenge at the moment and it has made it hard to focus on goals. 2y
Chrissyreadit There is a lot of great info on this thread! I need to write some of it down. 2y
wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit 👍🏻 agree! And a couple people posted separately, so check out the #bfc hashtag too. 2y
bthegood @julieclair love it, enjoy your walks🙂 2y
BarkingMadRead Forgot to share an app. Hmmmm in use a bunch, but I really like Evidation which is an app that pays you for fitness. You hook up your fitness apps to it and you get points and the points become money. It used to be called Achievement 2y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm really slacking off this month w/ other life commitments. I need to figure out how to prioritize my health. That said, I have been using the DDPYoga Now app for years so I pay $7.99/month. This is not a lotus position, calming yoga. This is a former wrestler using dynamic resistance and yoga moves. He urges you to adapt to your needs & skill. Track "custom" workouts, hook up heart rate monitor, get recipes, motivational videos, etc. 2y
wanderinglynn @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick life does happen and that‘s why #BFC is adaptable. But it is good to prioritize your health, physical & mental. I‘ve heard of DDP‘s yoga app. It looked intriguing. 👍🏻 2y
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