Very fun read. Great characters, imaginative world-building. After a comet brought magic back, things changed....
Very fun read. Great characters, imaginative world-building. After a comet brought magic back, things changed....
This has a 100% approval rating on litsy but I'm boooored. Nothing is happening! I gave it 4 commutes but it just didn't grab me. On to the next!
That was really fun! A fantastic setting, a cool plot, & writing that made me laugh out loud from its wit makes for a charming read. The main characters were harder to grasp — especially Julius, who‘s main MO is to not have a personality in the first place, so you end up paying more attention to the outrageously, flamboyantly deadly side characters instead. Which isn‘t exactly a chore, since their antics had you gasping, laughing or both! ★★★★☆.
#currentlyreading | looking for something to fill the giant hole in my heart left by the last book 😭💔 — hopefully this will help!
This was a fun ride through a unique urban fantasy land. Opal is a Cleaner whose purchase of a housing unit to clean sends her on a chase for riches through the magical DFZ with her new partner Nik. I can‘t wait to read the next book in this series.
If you liked Rachel Aaron‘s Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers series), odds are good you will like her new series starter, Minimum Wage Magic (no Litsy listing yet). In future Detroit, where humans, gods, and dragons coexist, Opal Yong-ae is a mage who cleans out the belongings of indebted renters. Indebted herself, she races to cash in on what may be her most lucrative find before a shady corporation grabs it first. A super fun read!
This was a really fun urban fantasy! I listened to most of it and the narrator was a little annoying, but I also had the ebook for when it got to be too much. I‘d recommend skipping the audio on this one and reading it instead.
Listening to my audiobook while I fold laundry and let the toddler trash the living room I cleaned this morning...
I‘m not sure how long I‘ve had this audiobook hanging around on my iPad, but it‘s been awhile. I started it tonight while working on my puzzle for a little while. I‘m not really loving the narrator, so chances are good I‘ll end up reading much of it on my kindle (I also have no idea how long I‘ve had the ebook...)
On to the next!
Hopefully next time I can participate in #24in48 but I'm at work for this one unfortunately.
Such a cool urban fantasy/science fiction book! Dragons, mages, dystopian city, weird creatures.. Loved everything about it and mostly how Julius chose to be compassionate even when his ambitious family used him/made fun of him/etc. 💙💛💚💖