Brought this on our vacation to Côte d'Azur as a way of getting in the French spirit but joke's on me cause Nice wasn't part of France until the mid-1800s. Book was still good, though - like a Philippa Gregory but for France instead of England.
Brought this on our vacation to Côte d'Azur as a way of getting in the French spirit but joke's on me cause Nice wasn't part of France until the mid-1800s. Book was still good, though - like a Philippa Gregory but for France instead of England.
My #riotgrams #currentread is Sisters of Versailles, which I dove into today while sitting in front of the Mediterranean. It was not the worst way to spend an hour!
#travellingadventures #booksonholiday #vacationreading
Time for my #OctoberTBR... and it's a little out of control... 6 from my Scribd TBR plus 2 leftover from last month... 4 books by authors I'm seeing in October (thankfully at the end...), 1 of which is a pre-2017 TBR... The Nov pick for #mummydaughterbookclub... 2 (both pre-2017 TBR) that are on-topic reads for my trip to the Côte d'Azur tomorrow... and 3 left over from previous months. Looks like I'm doing nothing but reading this month!
This series is set in beautiful France! 🇫🇷
#bktjune @booktopiabooks (Set in Europe)
#bookstagram #bibliophile #bookblogger #bookblog #books #historicalfiction #fiction #france #versailles
Totally did not adhere to my reading schedule. Writing/revising had to come first. But today I'm reading a little of this to get my brain in the mood to finish revising my France scenes. So far I'm really liking it!!
This book ya'll! It's nuts! I thought I would take a break from the heavies and partake in some good little end of summer brain candy, but ?. This book is told in epistles, like "Dangerous Liaisons," and who knew King Louis XV had his own sister tribe of such! I like reading about the French Revolution and this book helps me see the real build up to it.
This was exactly the book I needed right now. Louis15 is a fascinating character and I knew nothing of his early mistresses. Scandalous and sumptuous - a perfect summer read.
I am in the mood for something with a little bit of romance and history and this is fitting the bill. I have been slacking on the reading for the past couple weeks but don't want to lose track on my reading goal so I'm picking what appeals to me most right now. What are your reading goals in 2016?