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Dancing at Midnight
Dancing at Midnight | Julia Quinn
4 posts | 31 read | 5 to read
Suspecting that there is more to Lord John Blackwood, a wounded war hero, than meets the eye, independent Lady Arabella Blydon determines to heal his shattered spirit, but nothing is as terrifying to his tormented heart than Arabella. She's intoxicating, infuriating--and she makes him want to live again. (August)
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Dancing at Midnight | Julia Quinn

Took a while to get through, do like this series though

Dancing at Midnight | Julia Quinn
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I‘m reading this trilogy out of order because I started with book 3 (Minx) and this is book 2 about Belle & John (who were already married in Minx). A lovely romance. Not quite as good as Minx and a bit more serious, but still a sweet romance.

LibrarianRyan Ehat do you think about the controversy over the show. I loved it. Binged it in a day. 4y
wanderinglynn @LibrarianRyan What controversy? Apparently I missed that. I loved the show—I too binged it in a day. 4y
LibrarianRyan @wanderinglynn this link sums up most of the controversy. https://www.popsugar.co.uk/entertainment/bridgerton-why-daphne-and-simon-are-a-b.... A lot about it not being a perfect romance. Arguments on Consent. A few that complained about POC characters because they were not black enough. I could go on but won‘t. I loved it. I read all the books as they came out. It epeas a great escape,, 4y
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wanderinglynn OMG. 🙄 People always find something to complain about. Okay, yes, I get her point, but I‘m not sure I‘d go as far to say it was toxic. Some of her complaints are based on the constraints of the time, which I‘m not going to even dignify. The whole non-communication/miscommunication about the family issue, like this doesn‘t happen today. I found it endearing that they worked through their communication issues. 👇🏻 4y
wanderinglynn At the end of the day, I just want to be entertained. I don‘t expect Hollywood to accurately portray history. I don‘t watch a drama and then complain about the drama. I don‘t watch a zombie movie and then complain about the violence. It‘s all fantasy. And I‘ve never understood the whole “not black enough” issue. Is there a checklist or criteria list somewhere that someone has to meet before they are black enough? It‘s all BS. 4y
wanderinglynn I binged it in one day. I loved it because I was entertained and was able to escape real life for a while. 4y
julesG Are those people really complaining, or is it part of the show's promotion? I wholeheartedly agree to what you said, Lynn. I binged it in twice in two days. We (daughter and I) first watched it in English and then in the German version - the OV is far better. 4y
wanderinglynn @julesG who knows? It could have been a planted article to generate buzz about the show. That would be typical Hollywood. 🙄 Or it could be someone who‘s really anal and expects Hollywood to be real. 😆 4y
julesG ??? My newsfeed came up with articles titled along the lines "we had no idea what to do during the sex scenes" ?? 4y
wanderinglynn @julesG 🤣🤣🤣 4y
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Dancing at Midnight | Julia Quinn
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When you get to meet some of your favorite authors and another photo bombs. In picture: Julie Kagawa, Julia Quinn, me, & Cat Sebastian. #kisscon #romantsy
@JuliaQuinn @CatSebastian

MrBook Wooow! 😱😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
alisiakae Awesome! I just read one of Julie Kagawa‘s books (and I love her pose in this pic)! 5y
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Dancing at Midnight | Julia Quinn

Rating: 3.5/5

Overall, this was an amazing book. I absolutely loved how strong willed and stubborn Arabella was. To me though, I thought that John although a great character was extremely fickle-minded. The plot was interesting until the last two chapters, which were, to me at least, very long and boring.