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Now Go Out There: (And Get Curious)
Now Go Out There: (And Get Curious) | Mary Karr
5 posts | 7 read | 6 to read
A celebration of curiosity, compassion, and the surprising power of fear, based on the New York Times bestselling author and renowned professor s 2015 commencement address at Syracuse University. Being smart and rich are lucky, but being curious & compassionate will save your ass. Every year there are one or two commencement speeches that strike a chord with audiences far greater than the student bodies for which they are intended. In 2015 Mary Karr s speech to the graduating class of Syracuse University caught fire, hailed across the Internet as one of the most memorable in recent years, and lighting up the Twittersphere.In Now Go Out There, Karr explains why having your heart broken is just as if not more important than falling in love; why getting what you want often scares you more than not getting it; how those experiences that appear to be the worst cannot be so easily categorized; and how to cope with the setbacks that inevitably befall all of us. Don t make the mistake of comparing your twisted up insides to other people s blow-dried outsides, she cautions. Even the most privileged person in this stadium suffers the torments of the damned just going about the business of being human. An ideal and beautifully designed gift for a graduate or for anyone looking for some down-to-earth life advice, Now Go Out There is destined to become a classic."
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Life‘s been a whirlwind lately. I‘m still reading, but also busy w/ so many things. Work has been nuts. Family too. I‘m taking a memoir workshop, and writing some intense pieces about my family of origin. Today I finally took an afternoon to read ... and nap.

Finished this Mary Karr in a flash! It‘s lovely for anyone going through big life changes. If you‘re questioning whether difficult times will help you grow—she says they will! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

BarbaraTheBibliophage This book would be a great pick for #finishinaday #booked2020 prompt! 5y
wordslinger42 I hope things settle down & your writing goes well 💜 I also have family stuff and trying to write (I'm using stories from my family in my writing), and sometimes it's hard to find time to relax and read in the middle of it all! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @wordslinger42 Thanks so much. ♥️ I hope your writing goes well too! 5y
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Reviewsbylola I love Mary Karr. I need to read that! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Reviewsbylola I need to read more of her work. This is a teaser—the text of a graduation talk she gave at Syracuse. 5y
wordslinger42 @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thank you very much! 💜 5y
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Now go out there ... and spend a lot of money to save a lot of money. I got eleven books for $38.17. Because my stacks aren't big enough here at home. I freaking love Book Outlet! (Not as great as library sales, but pretty fun nonetheless.) #bargainbooks #massivetbr #litsymademedoit #iregretnothing

LeahBergen Nicely done! 👍🏻 7y
DebbieGrillo I have a cart with 20 books for $35.25... I'm going to go ahead and simultaneously thank and blame you! 7y
Zelma Ooh, off to shop! 👍😆 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @DebbieGrillo Oooh. You did better at finding cheaper books than I did! Enjoy! 7y
tracy.anne8 That's a good haul! I'm excited for this sale! I'm going on tonight. 7y
Richryan52 @BarbaraTheBibliophage I never knew about this. Thank you!!! 7y
CouronneDhiver I wasn't sure whether I should or not... how bad is the condition of these "scratch and debt" books? 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CouronneDhiver I‘ve never been upset by their condition. But there‘s always a first time ... so I suppose it depends on how exacting you are. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Richryan52 You‘re so welcome! 📚📚📚 7y
BriKie @CouronneDhiver they have two categories, the scratch & dent (which I‘ve not tried) and the bargain (aka overstock) books. They use two color tags to distinguish the categories. All the bargain books I‘ve gotten have been in perfect condition! 7y
TNbookworm Love Book Outlet. I buy a lot from Scratch & Dent and have never been disappointed. 7y
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The audiobook of this was only 30 minutes which made it easy to fly through. Had some great tidbits, probably would have been more amazing in person. 3/5 stars.

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BarbaraTheBibliophage Love this! I'm just reading about curiosity and creativity in Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic. I should segue right into this book. 8y
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A nice graduation speech that inspires and entertains. She has an amazing voice that seems both practical and personable. A quick read and another great graduation gift.