Includes understandable framing of concepts, a few specific language examples, and suggestions for further reading.
Includes understandable framing of concepts, a few specific language examples, and suggestions for further reading.
Shame on me for not reading this a couple years ago after my library hosted the author for a conversation on race. The talk was excellent and this book really resonates with me. I have a long way to go to truly understand my privilege, as well as systemic racism as a whole, but I feel stronger with every step.
I look forward to reading about Debby Irving‘s awakening. #racialjusticeeducation #whiteprivilege #booksandshoes
Went to a talk with this author and Shay Stewart-Bouley last night about how we talk about race and racism. It was a fascinating conversation that I hope continues in my community.
Racism wasn‘t about this person or that, this upset or that, this community or that; racism is, and always has been, the way America has sorted and ranked its people in a bitterly divisive, humanity-robbing system.
Sore, itchy, scratchy throat = waiting to see a dr. 🤒😷😖
A real eye opener with respect to race relations in the United States. No definitive answers and no quick solutions, but steps everyone can and should take to make this country a better, more equitable place for people of all ethnicities. I highly recommend reading this book. You may find it helpful to keep a journal while you read as the author asks thought provoking questions throughout the book.
Fantastic look at one woman's awakening to systemic racism in the US.
This was an amazing exploration of race. Anyone can see themselves in her story. "I knew there was an elephant in the room. I just didn't know it was me."