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Mr Darwin's Gardener
Mr Darwin's Gardener | Emily Jeremiah, Fleur Jeremiah, Kristina Carlson
4 posts | 3 read | 5 to read
The late 1870s, the Kentish village of Downe. The villagers gather in church one rainy Sunday. Only Thomas Davies stays away. The eccentric loner, father of two and a grief-stricken widower works as a gardener for the notorious botanist, Charles Darwin. But Thomas needs answers. What should he believe in? And why should he continue to live?
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Mr Darwin's Gardener | Emily Jeremiah, Fleur Jeremiah, Kristina Carlson
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An unusual book that would happily take a second reading.

After his wife's death, Thomas Davies, gardener to Mr Charles Darwin, is struggling with grief & bringing up his two children, who are written off as sickly & slow. The village provides casseroles & judgement.

The writing is beautiful- streams of consciousness flitting between the villagers and the land. Religion, science, outsiders & electricity abound. Thomas just gets on with his life.

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Mr Darwin's Gardener | Emily Jeremiah, Fleur Jeremiah, Kristina Carlson
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Really enjoying this slightly out-there little book about god, godlessness and science, set in Victorian England. It's translated from the Finnish, and reminds me in style of Mink River - streams of consciousness of all the people/things. It's kind of lovely!
#womenintranslation #europebybook #finland

Moray_Reads Sounds great! 6y
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Mr Darwin's Gardener | Emily Jeremiah, Fleur Jeremiah, Kristina Carlson
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TrishB Ouch.... 6y
rockpools @TrishB Not sure she's entirely popular amongst the village women! 6y
TrishB Can see why 😂 6y
tournevis Because, of course, it's the mothers' fault. Ugh! 6y
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Mr Darwin's Gardener | Emily Jeremiah, Fleur Jeremiah, Kristina Carlson
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While everyone one is in church, Thomas Davies is #BusyEarning. This one's described as a tale of God, grief and talking chickens!

(& I never knew that was what that song was called - it's been total earworm all day now!)

Cinfhen I love your blurbs...they always hook me🎣 6y
Tamra That does sound good!! 6y
Reviewsbylola I thought the cover was a vagina at first. 😂🙈🤭 6y
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Tamra @Reviewsbylola 😜 Funny, it does after you said so - now I can‘t unsee it. 6y
emilyhaldi I love the sound of this one!! 🍏 6y
batsy This sounds really interesting! 6y
Mdargusch Chickens? Hmmm sounds like a book for @Meredith3 🐣 6y
Mdargusch Possibly that was on purpose @Reviewsbylola ? 🙈 6y
Reviewsbylola I was wondering. It is too obvious. 😂😂 @Mdargusch 6y
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