⭐️⭐️ I guess I didn‘t quite know what to expect with this one. I thought it would be more about the psychology of the types of people who are bar regulars. It wasn‘t. It seemed to be a depressing cry for help. Not what I had hoped out of this one.
⭐️⭐️ I guess I didn‘t quite know what to expect with this one. I thought it would be more about the psychology of the types of people who are bar regulars. It wasn‘t. It seemed to be a depressing cry for help. Not what I had hoped out of this one.
Rosie has lived as a Dead-Head, a vegetarian college student in Bennington, is a lifelong New Yorker- and in her writing she connects events big & small to bars she frequented and the predominantly male patrons she befriends. Is hers a memorable story? Not really. But while in it I felt the connections she has to her fellow drinkers. I think she handled her retelling in a smart, quiet way, allowing the greatest access into her bizarre encounters.
That‘s iced tea. It‘s literally as gross as it looks. #survivingtheholidays #toodrunktoread #family