Michael Connelly's essay about Bosch was an eye-opener and so were the rest. The contributors, for the most part, have either (A) turned their back on Hollywood, (B) after much anguish, developed a take-it-or-leave-it attitude, or (C) achieved enough power over their projects or financial security so as to be comfortable telling the truth without fear of repercussions, legal, professional, or otherwise. Continued in comments...
RaimeyGallant It makes me wonder what the book would contain had authors without A, B, or C felt safe contributing. 6y
RaimeyGallant @ellemarr 6y
cathipink This sounds so interesting - I'm going to look for this one. Thanks for sharing! 6y
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tpixie @RaimeyGallant right? Can you imagine the other stories!! 6y
tpixie Jodi Picoult was kicked off of 6y
My Sister's Keeper
RaimeyGallant @tpixie I had no idea! 6y
tpixie @RaimeyGallant I don‘t know all the details, but she really was upset about that movie- they changed the ending. 6y
RaimeyGallant @tpixie Now that you say that, I remember reading about it years ago. 6y
tpixie 🤔😊☺️ 6y
ellemarr @RaimeyGallant Sounds very interesting! Crazy about JP 😬 6y