Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.
We would love to have you join our groups! Everyone is welcome. 🤓
Feel free to answer this even if you aren't in the groups.
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.
We would love to have you join our groups! Everyone is welcome. 🤓
Feel free to answer this even if you aren't in the groups.
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
how many books do you want to read this year?
#bookswithbohemianyogini #goodreads
Sometimes I don't reach my goals in a month because of whatever human reason something comes up or stands as an obstacle. But I set the same goal and work harder to be more aware of reaching that goal 😊 this month's goal: more me time reading and self caring!
2. Actively listen
3. Smile and people when I walk pass them (difficult now with a mask but... I still smile whether they know it or not. I think they can tell the vibe)
4. Ask people how they are doing (and really listen to the answer, and care..)
5. Always be on time (slightly early) 5y