Gonna read this next by Kass Morgan
1/50 for 2022 done. One of the things that I like in this series is that it‘s fast paced. The author doesn‘t make me feel like I‘m wasting time.
Sasha‘s death hurt me. I‘m scared that now Wells will die too. I really enjoyed them together and I hate that she‘s gone now.
Glass and Luke are my absolute favorites and I was so terrified for them in this book because I thought maybe the author was gonna do a parallel between Wells and Glass.
Gonna read this next by Kass Morgan
I really love The 100, but why did Kass Morgan kill Sasha? I really loved her...
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 definitely my favorite of the books in this series so far. A lot happens in this book and it makes up for the other 2 being a little slow. I love the relationships and all the action but I‘m not sure what‘s going to happen in the next book 🤷🏻♀️ #the100 #homecoming #kassmorgan
Finished with book 3. I‘m a little nervous for book 4. This one felt like a natural end to the series. The last time a series wrapped up everything in book 3 of 4, book 4 was total trash.
Book 24 of the year. I wasn't going to review it but changed my mind I guess. It was good, like the other two of the series, not a literary masterpiece but entertaining. There was more action and adventure than the previous book, which was fun. So, yeah there's my little review.
I started reading The Difference Engine this morning then my mom shows up with the third book of The 100 series. She picked it up at the library knowing I recently read the first two. I don't want to stop reading what I've started but I'm really terrible with due dates, which is why I buy books and don't go to the library. What to do? Help...
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Still loving this series!! It has gotten a tad bit predictable, but the characters and worlds are so well written that I really don‘t mind a bit of predictability!
4/5 💚's
Drama, suspense, teen love, warring factions, evil dictator adults, & heartbreak in a post apocalyptic world. What else can I say except it continues to pull you in like books 1 & 2.
Also, the #bellarke ship is strong with this one. Lol.
Onto book 4!!! Then I may need to rewatch the show... 😜
Warding off a headache and mentally preparing myself for day 3 of cleaning (preparing for kids' joint bday party next week. We call it Z-En Con. It's comicon themed). 😁
Fun story.
Zo: What's Labor Day?
Me & @CynicalStew : It's a day everyone takes off work to clean their house or have a baby.
Zo: that's no fun.
Me: not every holiday can be fun.
I only started this last night. 😳
This will be one of the quickest reads for me ever!
Up next!
And here's some fun fan art...I can't find a link to the original artist though 😞
Bath time reads. Finally this baby likes baths again, and weekends give me at least 1 hour more of energy. Reading can make a comeback! #bathreads #18weekspregnant 🤰🏻🛀🏻📚
Viel zu knapp geschrieben. Weder die Charaktere noch die Story wurden wirklich ausgebaut, schade 😔
This is perfect. It's completely different from the show, but I couldn't care less. I love it. I like the characters. I just wish there'd be Clexa in the books but Bellarke is flawless so it doesn't really matter.
Another series finished. I love The 100 show and the book series did not disappoint. So wildly different from the tv show, but in a good way.