Books and bubbles.
This book gave me so many conflicting feelings and I mean that in the best way possible. I wasn't sure at times whether to love or disapprove of Wavy & Kellen's relationship. In the end, it definitely made me think hard about other people and how although their stories can be so different from mine they're still just as "real" as I am.
An hour and a half left until I board my flight back home ✈️
Curling up in the very executive looking hotel room chair and starting my next read! Heard great things about this one.
Took me a long while to even get into the story line. Twisty little ending was really the only good part, in my opinion.
Listened to this audiobook all in one day. Quick and easy story to follow. Definitely a little too cheesy and "insta love" for my tastes. Easily predictable. But a good fluff type book to pass some time.
Little slow to start, but ending up really enjoying listening to Dan's journey into the world of mindfulness.
Not the best psychological thriller I've read. Many times I found myself wondering what in the world she was waiting for. JUST DO SOMETHING. Of course, that's easier said than done. Did enjoy the read through. George Clooney made me laugh.
I love the Whole30. It's changed my life and the way I look at food. I love FFF because it adds to the Whole30 program and gives advice for going forward with life after your Whole30 reset. And of course, I always enjoy Melissa's humor and sarcasm.
As a wine lover I really enjoyed this story. Slightly predictable. Definitely had me craving a good glass of red.
Loved this book. Such a moving take on a very tragic situation. Really puts the media and how people jump to conclusions into perspective. Not many take the time to consider the innocent families of these criminals.
First audiobook I've ever listened to with redacted material. Enjoyed the random classical music that played often in between curse words ? story was so-so. Very informative but not keep you "on the edge of your seat" type writing.
Ahh Litsy! It's been MONTHS since my last post. I have still been reading like crazy, just took a little hiatus from posting. Back with my current read, Jackaby. This ones been on my TBR list for quite awhile now. Really enjoying the set up of the story so far. Abigail and Jackaby make me think of Robin and Strike from JK Rowlings series. Just with supernatural cases added!
Still going strong with this one though 👌🏼 Today is Day 11 of my Whole30. I've made it through a night out with my girlfriends, a wedding AND the county fair without going off the plan! Majorly proud of myself for that accomplishment ☺️
So I haven't read anything in like 3 weeks now 😱Life has gotten crazy on me and just down right hard. Trying to dive back into a new book to get myself back in the game. Up next is Left of Boom!
Skimmed over a lot of parts of this just so I could get to the "good parts" and get it over with.
😬 I've tried and failed before, but I'm giving this thing a shot again starting Oct 1 - reading and rereading this a million times for motivation!
Read the first book in this series AGES ago and finally decided to pick this one up as it's a quick/cheap ebook. Realizing I don't remember much from the first book at all at this point, but I'm thinking now that maybe I wasn't crazy about the first one and there's a reason I never read this one. Oh well 😬
Not the best book I've ever read, but I enjoyed it as an audiobook that's nice and easy to listen to while multitasking. Found myself laughing out loud at many different places and that isn't something I often do.
Useless facts I have learned from books # 34828 (in case you're wondering it is apparently a cross and NOT a sword 😂)
Needed a new audiobook to start listening to for my evening walk last night so I got this per recommendation of Hoopla. I previously listened to The Pact on Hoopla and enjoyed it so I'm hoping this will be a good choice. I was laughing out loud during my walk at the Prologue so I guess that's a good sign!Oh and I am totally already digging the English accent of the male narrator - I could listen to that for days😍
This book has so so many wonderful reviews... I want to try and come back to it at a later date but try as I might I just couldn't get into it. It's a pretty long one and I only made it about 20% of the way through.
Bath bomb + book = 2 of my favorite things!
Can't recommend this book enough. If you have problems saying 'no' to people, setting boundaries in your relationships or knowing what IS your responsibility and what isn't - then this book is for you! Re-reading through it for the 2nd time today as I could use a little reminder of some of these principles right now.
When your book gives you "homework" ? thinking hard about these questions today...
One of my favorite quotes 👆🏼 followed by some pretty crazy statistics 😮
Made it 10 pages in before I had to put it down so I could go clean out my closet and get rid of stuff 😂