Book 161📚 4.5⭐️
A great book for women and girls with AS/ASD🩷
Really appreciated the real-life accounts.
Book 161📚 4.5⭐️
A great book for women and girls with AS/ASD🩷
Really appreciated the real-life accounts.
1. She conducted interviews with people who have autism to give a broader perspective. As long as your perspective/exercise is found somewhere in there even partially you‘re good to go.
2. A not too bad discussion on situational mutism.
I finished this, but right now my review is so long and all over the place, I‘m taking some time to collect my thoughts.
Really struggling with this one. She‘s clearly a kook (autistic women are naturally psychic 🤨) and now she no longer identifies as ASD/AS because she cured herself with food. 😒 The stories of other women with ASD are nice. It‘s nice knowing other women have has similar experiences, even if the similarities are sometimes rather abstract. I just don‘t know. I wish she would get on with it so I could be done with the book.
As an “Aspergirl” myself, I wanted this book to be an eye-opening, life-changing experience so many others seem to have had while reading it. Unfortunately, I had a very hard time with it. I related to some of what Ms. Simone wrote about. However, I mainly felt like I couldn‘t relate to the stories/experiences because I don‘t experience life exactly the way they do.
Read this book to better be able to support a friend with aspergers, and I have found it really helpful and insightful.