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Famous Five 2: Five Go Adventuring Again (Revised)
Famous Five 2: Five Go Adventuring Again (Revised) | Enid Blyton
7 posts | 25 read | 5 to read
There's a thief at Kirrin Cottage! The Famous Five think they know who it is, but they need to prove it! Where can they find evidence? The discovery of an old map and very unusual hiding place is all they need to get to the bottom of this mystery and uncover the true culprit!
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I found this one a little disjointed (were castle restorations ever mentioned in the novel?) - all is forgiven with the excitement of hidden tunnels and lots of appearances of my favourite distracted scientist / pretty useless dad, Quentin.

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Regressed about three decades with my choice ot book here 😆 & continued with my comfort reads this month. This is the second Famous Five book & is set during Christmas. It begins with an appropriately 2020 tone, as Anne & her brothers Julian & Dick (lol) have to stay with cousin George & family at Kirrin Cottage during the hols because Mother has scarlet fever & Father has to quarantine 😷. Hijinks ensue & Timothy proves to be The Best Dog 🐶💖

batsy I'm quite fond of these cheesy 70s TV tie-in covers because it's the set of books my sisters read & I've managed to hang on to it over the years. Also when I was younger I might have had a crush on the boy who played Julian 😂 4y
Suet624 💕💕💕 4y
BarbaraBB I loved them so much!! 4y
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Tanisha_A ❤️ 4y
Lauredhel Oh all of these books were my happy place when I was a kid! 4y
udyaa Is it very very interesting ✌️¿?‽ 4y
LeahBergen You‘ve made me want to read it again. 😆 4y
batsy @Suet624 @BarbaraBB @Tanisha_A @Lauredhel @LeahBergen Just the kind of feel good read I needed 🙂 4y
batsy @udyaa It's pretty entertaining! 4y
udyaa @batsy yeh.....so I'll buy this😁 4y
AshleyHoss820 This is 100% the time to comfort read!! 😊 4y
batsy @AshleyHoss820 Yes! 🙂 4y
Rehesina I remember having the same cover on one of mine! I don't even remember what was in the book, but that cover just brought back memories of trips to the old book store. I think a famous five book (second hand) was around pkr 100, which was basically $1. 4y
AshleyHoss820 AND I just noticed your mug!! PERFECTION! 4y
batsy @AshleyHoss820 Haha, thanks! That mug cheers me up every time I use it 😁 4y
batsy @Rehesina I remember we had book rentals where there would be stacks of these and older editions! I wish I'd bought them all, when I look back 😆 4y
Rehesina @batsy same! that would have been a wonderful collection! 4y
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I love the Famous Five and this book is no exception. I like that the story is short and there's always something going on. Great for children as well as adults who want to return to being kids for a bit. These books always make me smile.

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Timmy the dog is not only a pet ... he‘s a crime-solving member of The Famous Five. 😆

I‘m not so sure what I think about the modern illustrations for these books. 🤔


writerlibrarian So many memories of reading these in French in Elementary School. 😁 6y
Reviewsbylola That is such a great bookmark. 6y
BiblioLitten Ya me too! I like the vintage Famous Five 😊🐕 6y
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I love the famous five reminds me of my childhood

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takes me back to my childhood

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Here's a classic, from 1942. It's the 2nd in Enid Blyton's whooping 21 volume Famous Five series. I found myself getting way more engaged with this story than I expected. Why why why does no one believe the child when she tells you her teacher is evil? Why does no one TRUST THE DOG's judgement??

shawnmooney I grew up with her books and credit my love of reading them. Strangely, perhaps, I never got into the Famous 5 series, reflecting, I guess, my lifelong disinterest in mysteries. But Enid Blyton rocks! 8y
Soscha @shawnmooney This was my 1st Enid Blyton's. My addiction came via Edward Eager/Half Magic, Donald Sobol's Secret Agents Four & Ivanhoe. To this day you talk trash about Wilfred of Ivanhoe I'm coming for ya. 8y
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