This is the closest I could find to “Green Font” #WinterGames #GingerbreadGems #WGPhotoChallenge
This is the closest I could find to “Green Font” #WinterGames #GingerbreadGems #WGPhotoChallenge
Richard Paul Evens never disappoints me. This one is going to be a quick read as I‘m already half way and I just started it. Fun filled Saturday night!!
I have a collection of Richard Paul Evans books to read this month so I‘m down for some short stories of love through trial. This one worked for me mostly. But darn, the little life of Andrea read more tragic than the story necessitated. Still a pick because he tells his stories beautifully.
The most consequential of life's episodes often begin with the simplest of events.
--David Parkin's diary, October 15, 1913
Is this life, to grasp joy only to fear its escape? The price of happiness is the risk of losing it.
--David Parkin's diary, April 3, 1912
Of all, clockmakers and morticians should bear the keenest sense of priority--their lives daily spent in observance of the unflagging procession of time... and the end thereof.
--David Parkin's diary, January 3, 1901
I find myself astonished at mankind's persistent yet vain attempts to escape the certainty of oblivion; expressed in nothing less than the ancient pyramids and by nothing more than a stick in a child's hand, etching a name into a freshly poured sidewalk. To leave our mark in the unset concrete of time--something to say we existed.
Originally posted by @Liberty over on Instagram.
This is the story of my life. Especially now. #biblioweekend