A surprisingly honest and open look not just at the camming industry but also Mazzei‘s journey toward self-acceptance and self-understanding.
Reads like a female version of Cherry by Nico Walker. I found myself learning a lot about how so many of us try to redeem our brokenness through manic self destruction on the one hand, and the earnest yearning and reaching out for connection on the other. A wild ride — albeit the most unsexy depiction of porn and kink imaginable. Depressing but not without hope. ⭐️⭐️⭐️-1/2
What is wrong with the publishing industry, that a book written by an English major, and presumably edited by one or more English majors, makes such an easy — albeit — common mistake!! It‘s ‘left Lucy and ME,‘ and ‘gave my sister and ME‘! Direct objects people!! Am I the only grammar nazi in the house?!?
Care package from Rare Bird Books, one of my favorite indie publishers! I am especially excited about this new edition of CRASH because none other than Zadie Smith write the intro. 🔥📚🔥 (Yes, I know putting books by an open flame is a bad idea.😝)