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Death of a Dentist
Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
7 posts | 15 read | 4 to read
A toothache can drive a man mad - or to Dr. Frederick Gilchrist's dental surgery in the little village of Braikie. In a country where thrift and a "nice set of dentures" are admired, Dr. Gilchrist's cheap rates and penchant for pulling teeth had gained him a clientele. His use of "The Great Australian Trench" (letting the drill slide across as many teeth as possible to ensure a steady customer) and some unsavory womanizing made wiser Highlanders stay away from the dentist's second-floor office. But one chill autumn morning the whole side of Police Constable Hamish Macbeth's jaw was a burning mass of pain, and he was willing to see Gilchrist, or the devil himself, to stop it. Unfortunately someone came, saw, and poisoned Gilchrist first. It was Macbeth's dismal luck to find the body. He already had his hands full with a major theft case. And he had his mind on a date, the first since his broken engagement to Priscilla Halburton-Smythe. Now he sourly set out to turn his attention to finding a killer. Perhaps only in superstitious Scotland would Macbeth's inquiries include the local seer, who had inside information to share (from the spirits, naturally). Perhaps only Macbeth would see a clue in the earthy details of daily life - not to mention facing a fate just as earthy in its own way.
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Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
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I would highly recommend the Hamish Macbeth series for anyone who likes cozy mysteries, and the audiobooks are the way to go. The more you read the more you feel like a part of the village of Lochdubh. There are multiple murders in this one and I like the unorthodox ways that Hamish solves crimes. It‘s a fun way to visit Scotland without leaving your home! 4⭐️ #HamishMacbeth #MCBeaton #murdermysteries #cozymysteries #audiobook #Scotland

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Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
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I do not normally read cozy mysteries, but I just love this series. I‘m pretty sure it‘s because of Hamish and the fact that I can never solve the case before he can!! Going to be a late night. Usually once I start her books I can‘t stop until the end!

Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
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Another wonderful murder mystery! 🥰 Lots of gory details 😈
I do hope Hamish finds love one of these days..

Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
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This is a decidedly qualified pick. I was always eager to see what wild scenario Hamish would find himself in next as he fought his way through to the solution, but HOLY HELL are there a lot of problematic bits. There's a running gag about domestic abuse, lots of casual misogyny, and a side of, "the poor are such lazy blighters." I found the second half better on that front, but there were still plenty of jarring moments.

BethFishReads I LOVE this series!!!! 7y
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Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
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Fancy Sunday breakfast. Figured I'd try eggs & hot sauce.

I bought DEATH OF A DENTIST from the library sale a few months back, but my copy's gone on walkabout so I borrowed a digital one. I'm not sure if I like it. Parts are quite charming, but there's a LOT of random misogyny, some of it violent. Like, multiple characters feel that if a robbery suspect isn't beating his wife, he should be.


SandyW Well that sounds utterly charming. 😲 7y
RachLovesTV Aww ew. Re the book, not the breakfast. The breakfast looks delicious. (edited) 7y
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Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
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Another wonderful outing for Hamish Macbeth, with a book that felt it had more depth than some of the earlier ones in the series, partially because the murder happened much earlier in the book. I do love my visits to Lochdubh but I do think MC Beaton needs to sort out Hamish's love life as he doesn't even have Jock to fall back onto now. This series can always help lift me out of a bit of a reading trough, if not a slump! Onwards with the series.

robinb How have I missed this series?! 31 books?! 😳 I assume I should start at the beginning....🤣 7y
Andrew65 @robinb Lol! I wouldn't want you to run out of series to read! 😂The books are quite quick reads so it doesn't take as long to get through the series but I really enjoy reading the books. (edited) 7y
robinb @Andrew65 👍🙌thanks for the rec! 7y
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Death of a Dentist | M C Beaton
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Still in the mood for some light and easy reading on a Sunday afternoon so going to one of my other go to series, Hamish Macbeth! This time reading Death of a Dentist, which is book 13 in the series. Lochdubh always seems such a peaceful place, if you can ignore all the people being murdered around you! 😂