Great next instalment to the Hamish Macbeth murder mysteries!
Great next instalment to the Hamish Macbeth murder mysteries!
After a few years, im continuing my journey with M.C. Beatons murder mysteries! Unfortunately M.C. Beaton has passed away so her books are continued by other writers she worked very closely with in her final years, but they're still just as funny and charming.
And what a great pick up with this one! Agatha at a nudist club, so funny!
Don't you just hate it when you remember a book you read as a child but can't for the life of you remember the name of the book? 😩 Been thinking for days and it just won't come to me!
'Sweet-heart, remember when days are forlorn
It al-ways is dar-kest before the dawn'
Such a hopeful quote for anyone that's having a down day! 🥰
It's been a long time since I posted on this, it's been even harder since they no longer have the Litsy App available on Android phones! But I've not forgotten about you all!
I'm absolutely thrilled with my 12th and final Christmas advent book! 😍🥰
Merry Christmas everyone! 🎉
I've heard such great reviews on this book so I can't wait to read it and see if it really is up to the hype! 🥰
Book advent number 11! ✨️
Only one more to go.. 😞
Sounds like it could be quite a politically based book, but intriguing enough to have piqued my interest being about Josef Stalin!
My 12 days of Christmas book advent number 9! 🙂
Advent book number 8! 📖🎄
Gutted I only have 4 more to go then there's no more unwrapping! 😔
Advent book number 7! 😁
Oh I wish I could unwrap a new book everyday of the year! 🥹 the joy it makes me feel!
Sounds like this one will get me thinking!
Book advent number 6! 🙂
Advent book number 5! 😊 the blurb sounds ever so interesting! 😍
I can't wait to read this one! 😁 Sounds so exciting!
Book number 4 from my 12 days of Christmas crime/thriller book advent! 🥰
Book number 2 from my Thriller/mystery based 12 days of Christmas book advent! 🥰
'It turns out that the trajectory of an entire life's writing may not be a steadily rising incline, as I had always imagined, but an up-and-down road punctuated somewhere near the middle by a book that comes along just when the writer has finally assembled the tools to say what matters most to her'
I know the 12 days of Christmas doesn't start until the 25th December but it just couldn't wait any longer!
My first 12 days of Christmas book advent of 2022! 🥰
After reading Ruth Jones first novel 'Never Greener' I honestly didn't expect her second book to be so enjoyable! I wasn't disappointed by 'Never Greener' as such, but I struggled to keep following the story, whereas this book had me captivated from the start!
It's an endearing story about 3 little girls growing up together and facing life's difficulties as adults; some of which tore them apart. I felt every emotion possible reading this novel!
Another lovely easy read with a fantastic story line!
Unfortunately i feel that Eli and Beth's relationship was rather rushed compared to the other relationships I have read in Heidi's other books. There didn't feel to be much of a romantic build up between them.
But I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline regarding Eli and Pete and I enjoyed reading about all of the tenants at the Care Home Beth works at! Greta was definitely one of my favourites!
Such a beautiful book to get one ready for the feelings of winter and Christmas! 🥰
This was probably one of M.C. Beatons most fast paced books, but it definitely kept me wanting to continue to read! A great story line where everything just seemed to fall into place so easily for everyone involved! Lots of unexpected twists in this book as well, compared to some of M.C Beatons other murder mysteries!
There was a few moments when reading this that I didn't feel connected to it.. but then things would change and I ended up being drawn back in.
It is hard to describe exactly how this novel made me feel, but overall I would say it left me with a mixture of emotions and I would recommend this book to anyone that has an interest in stories depicting the lives of people during a war time period.
It was simple, yet intricate!
An absolute delightful follow on from 'Dear Mrs Bird' 😍
Wow.. 🥺 This one is definitely going to stay with me for a long time!
(If this gets made into a film, I would DEFINITELY pay to go see it! Has a very 'Where the crawdads sing' vibe about it and both the book and film of that were amazing!)
My next read! Heard so many good things about this one! 🤞
*EDIT* I am now midway through the third chapter, and must say that I thoroughly enjoy the way it has been written! It definitely gives off 'Black Water Lilies-Michel Bussi' and 'Where the crawdads sing-Delia Owens' vibes!
Ooh I'm so glad Ellen and Simon decided to try their relationship again! 😁 and what a beautiful way they went about it too returning back to the places they first met! Definitely a book that left me with happy teary eyes and a smile! 🥰
Ooh such a nice little catch at the end there regarding Claudette and Pascal possibly being involved in the murder after all! 😨
I just hope Agatha realises Charles really had nothing to do with it..
'We have no choice but to move forward-that is how life works. We must live our lives looking forward, but we can only truly know ourselves by looking back. We are defined by everything that we have done in the past, but our only hope of change lies in the future.'
Such a delightful addition the the Agatha Raisin series!
I'm heartbroken by the ending of this book!
'There's a rather lovely marble headstone and a neat grave up on the hillside looking west over the Ruby Loch..'
Even though Dorothy turned out to have had a nasty past and nasty intentions, she loved Hamish and I am gutted that they didn't get their happy ending together! 😔
Treated myself to a new bookmark today too! 🥰 just couldn't say no to the look of those gorgeous books on the design! And of course the quote;
'So many books so little time' ..how true! 😔
My local book shop is closing down in a few days! Am gutted I didn't get there sooner, but glad I got the opportunity to get these at least! £1 each! Can't wait to smell the new book smell on the pages as I read them! 😍
Another lovely read telling the tale of Poppy, Jacob and Poppys younger brother Ryan! These books always leave me feeling happy! 🥰
Such a lovely read! 🥰
Overall I loved the story and I liked how the author made sure to get the point across that not everything needs to go a certain way for life to end up how you want it! But I do feel that the ending was quite abrupt. Everything was concluded nicely but I felt it was rushed over the space of the last chapter, where as it could have been spaced out over the last few chapters instead.
Last book of the month for December! 😍
Thanks to my wonderful partner for making the year eventful! 🥰
November's BOTM! 🥰
Hope everyone had an amazing Halloween yesterday! 😁
October's BOTM's from my fiance! 😍 Never knew that it was possible to have Samuel Pepys diary in two volumes until today! And they have that AMAZING old book smell! 🤤😍
Oh my.. i think i have found the next author i want to invest in! 😍 What an absolutely delightful read! These are the sort of books that make me feel all warm inside! I am currently wishing i was part of the Wynthorpe Hall family..😌
So happy for Hayley and Gabe! 🥰
My new bookmark from my love! 😍 The flower is a real compressed flower set in resin! 🥰❤️
Been waiting for this book for soooo long and my wondering o/h got it for me for my BOTM August! 😁😍
My latest addition! 🥰 BOTM for July! 😁
Some new reads i picked up yesterday at the supermarket! 🥰 Can't wait to read them! 😁
Another charity shop purchase! 🥰 Oh how i do love shopping for books! 😍
Been trying to find this book for so long! Found this in a local charity shop and am so pleased! 😁 Now to find the rest of the collection!
'.. Dad crumbled before their bewildered eyes; with one half of himself gone, he was so obviously a lover with a broken heart it was impossible to see him as their gentle, bumbling dad any more.
He was a man, a man they couldn't heal. A stranger neither she nor Jess could burden with their own grief.'
Never before has a passage in a book resonated so much with me and how my father is in life.. 😔
Some brilliant charity shop finds! 🥰 My own copy of The plague (so my dad can finally have his back 😂).. Ghost stories by Charles Dickens, Jack the Ripper source book containing actual police documents/photos of those he murdered! (Gruesome i know 😬) and Anne Frank! I had a copy of Anne Frank as a kid but didn't really appreciate it at the time not really knowing what it was about but I'm so glad to finally have another copy to read! 🥰❤️
Oh what a wonderful story! 😍 You know a book is good when you automatically fall for certain characters. I would say that i wish them real but there would be too many characters, from other novels also, to worry about had that been true!
I'm so glad that Lottie and Will finally got together but I'm even happier that Lottie fulfilled her dream for herself and Gwen! 😁
Thoroughly enjoying this book so far! 😁
Recently got introduced to Will and based on the description, in my head he's perfect 😏😍 I already don't want Lottie to meet Matt the builder.. Complicated love triangles make me confused 😩