Required reading for my 300 hour yoga teacher training, and I‘m a little intimidated. I‘m up to the challenge, though!
Required reading for my 300 hour yoga teacher training, and I‘m a little intimidated. I‘m up to the challenge, though!
I had 5 weeks off work due to the pandemic during which I had all the time in the world to learn whatever I wanted. And instead I chose my first day back to work to compulsively decide to start Yoga Teacher Training. 🧘🏻♀️
“As the mind, so the person; bondage or liberation are in your own mind.” If you feel bound, you are bound. If you feel liberated, you are liberated. Things outside neither bind nor liberate you; only your attitude toward them does that.
I love and hate this at the same time. I have a tendency to run from it when I struggle instead of embrace it...I really need to work on that.
Just got to the 8 limbs of yoga in the Yoga Sutras today. I had no idea it was so far into the book. Lots of good stuff before it about changing your outlook and attitude to change your life. I learned about the 8 limbs in my instructor course but I'm excited to see what the original text says about it.
Judgy cat, sleepy dog, Yoga Sutras, and nature sounds on the earbuds, while boyfriend watched El Camino. Everyone wins!
Good advice reposted from @MinDea and a few others. This is timely for me because my homework from last week‘s training was to pick a tenet from the yoga sutras and I‘m trying to practice Ahimsa (non-violence) by being more kind. ❤️❤️ May we all be happy and healthy and strong and free from harm. #bekind
My evening reading for the past few nights. One sutra a night means I'll be done in about 7 months. 😂 (My Yoga Teacher Training still has 12 months to go, to put it in perspective...) 🕉 #yoga #chasingOM
I started my day & week on the mat this am with these yoga sutras. Just startinh but enjoying so far, the intro draws the paralells between Buddhist & Hindu philosophy and the great epics. Reccomended if you want to understand your practice more deeply.