I worry over the fact that there is nothing, no plaque in a cemetary. "She wasn't at all religioue, you lnow, like a lot of teachers." I just finished a book which I think must be about my friend @LauraKath in a past life.... ?
I worry over the fact that there is nothing, no plaque in a cemetary. "She wasn't at all religioue, you lnow, like a lot of teachers." I just finished a book which I think must be about my friend @LauraKath in a past life.... ?
@Vbrrgirl you must be psychic! How did you know I was considering taking somm ? I will take this book as a sign I should jump right in!! Wonderful wonderful package 😍😀😊 Thank you so much! And thank you to @BookishMarginalia for organizing! #summersantagoespostal
Finished & LOVED! If you are a Sedaris fan this book is essential, you get to see all the behind the scenes stuff that was happening while he was working on his books like the day he got a callback to be a macys elf and the day he started french classes - all in his signature dry humor. There is going to be a second volume from 2002 to present! Cant wait! I also love reading peoples dairies, always feels a lil naughty 😉
"Congratulations, Mr.Sedaris. You are an elf." Loooove finding the origins of my favorite stories ? got to the part in the Sedaris diary where he gets the elf job at Macys! May have to have Christmas in June this year
Another big thrill of #bea was meeting the wonderful Jen Hatmaker. She is such an inspiration to me, I wanted to be sure and tell her that she has many supporters and fans who share her viewpoint, even if some small minded people are trying to make her life difficult. The was so sweet and friendly 😍 I love her even more.
This was my hardest earned galley of BookCon! I may or may not have waiting in line 40 min to get it 🙃 and I wasn't even in the front! Leigh is so cool and such a beautiful person, it was well worth the wait. I am so excited to read this and see the movie!
Just recieved my #summersantagoespostal 😍😍😍 I'm so excited it is gonna be really hard to wait! Thanks to whichever lovely Litten sent this my way 😁 and thanks to @BookishMarginalia for organizing 📚📚📚
Hey Littens, anyone at Book Expo? All the book buzz books sound excellent 😍
"The capacity to organize is endless and that becomes cruel" from Smiling
Does that mean librarians are inherantly cruel? Anyone? ?
Packing up my #summersantagoespostal to surprise a fellow litten! This was so fun, thanks for organizing @BookishMarginalia 😉 don't worry I am heading to the PO soon so it will make it in time 😊 #summersolsticebookexchange
I wanted to love this book so much, Latin American fiction, translated by LeGuin? But for some reason I just couldn't get into it. If you are big into fantasy, give it a shot, might be up your alley!
Anyone else reading the Buzzfeed summer recs and just STACKIN ERRYTHING??? So much good stuff coming out this summer 😍
Hey littens! I am at Food Book Fair today! Anyone else here? New Yorkers can still check it out tomorrow, anyone else be sure to get on the email list for next year, such a fun event!
Absolutely loved this book! Christopher King walked into the woods of Maine one day and stayed there for 27 years. He could have spent his whole life there but he stole his supplies and eventually he was caught. If you like true crime and mystery but not to violent or gorey this is a great pick. My only complaint is Finkel alternates between the the story of the hermit and waxing philosophical on solitude. Just stick to the story please!
Started difficult women on this beautiful spring day. I will admit, I liked #badfeminist so much, I was dissapointed that this book is short stories insteaf of essays but I am really loving it so far
LOVE THIS BOOK! Dystopic future where women labelled "non compliant" nc, are sent to a prison colony on a different planet. Love love love and can't wait to pick up volume 2! The NC floral leggings are from Bombsheller ??
I absolutely adored this book. It includes some truly tragic events while still being a funny and charming book. It is so readable and engaging. Absolutely loved it!
What an incredible book! I absolutely loved this. It was such a pleasure to read a magic fantasy bool set in ancient Japan. The story is utterly engaging and a real page turner. I'm happy to be so behind on this so I can read through the whole series!
This is a fantastic short story collection from the QUEEN Mary Gaitskill! It includes my favorite short of all time, Collegetown, 1980. Do yourself a favor and check it out. Gaitskill is masterful at caputuring both human feeling and emotion as well as realistic dialogue and the intrecacies of relationships. 👌👌👌
Todays #booknlunch is Open City by Teju Cole. If you love to roam the city, you will love it!
Absolutely ADORED this book! It was super compelling. A black woman living in 1970s California finds herself suddenly transported to a plantation on the antebellum south. Part mystery, part sci fi and a modern take on slave narrative you will not be able to put this down. A graphic novel version recently came out, has anyone seen it yet? Kindred is this months pick for #imaginarybookclub sign up & get my recipe pairing to #snackwithIBC
I liked this book a lot. If you have been scratching your head ever since the election saying "who voted for Trump?" This is a must read. Hochschild travelling throughout the South interviewing folks on the right in an attempt to break down the "empathy wall" It's a long read but very interesting for a New Yorker like me who rarely encounters people with these ideologies.
I started my day & week on the mat this am with these yoga sutras. Just startinh but enjoying so far, the intro draws the paralells between Buddhist & Hindu philosophy and the great epics. Reccomended if you want to understand your practice more deeply.
The Greek word "nostalgia" derives from the root nostros, meaning, "return home," and algia, meaning "longing." Doctors in seventeentg century Europe considered nostalgia an illness....
NOSTALGIA AS ILLNESS!!! Fascinating book. Really enjoying so far.
Hey Littens! It is the 1 year anniversary of my newsletter Snacks in the Stacks, I'm having a giveaway with great prizes including a $50 gift card to the strand, my favorite coffee and lots of other bookish goodies! Subscribe to my newsletter (link in profile) and fill out the survey to be enter! Winners announced Jan 23rd! #giveaway #thestrand #anniversary #bookishgoodies #tinyletter
I think every librarian secretly wishes for secret powers - don't we? Irene is the heroine Ive been waiting for! This books was fun and engaging with lots of twists and turns. It is a must read for any other librarians, fantasy lovers or history fans.
ok ok Sara got her groove back! I am LOVING this Capote classic! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to murder this lunch 😂😉
picked up my library holds, but where to start?
The release party for the new Whole30 cookbook was super fun last night and it was so great go meet Melissa. You guys, her hair is even more beautiful in real life. I can't wait to try the recipes!
If you are an Alice fan like me you have got to check out this incredible edition featuring illustrations by Dali. Not to be missed! Happy #socksunday !!! rocking the #outofprint white rabit socks I received in my #brlive speaker swag bag!
"Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books." - bell hooks
at the most charming bookstore/bar in Biddeford, Maine. Elements books coffee beer.
3 friends in London started a bimonthly supperclub called the Groundnut to introduce their British friends to the foods of their African childhood days. This beautiful and practical cookbook grew out of that covers dishes from all over the continent as well as suggestions for menu planning and hosting your own supper club. I'll be cooking from it in an upcoming issue of my newsletter so be sure to subscribe tinyletter.com/snacksinthestacks
Had to bite my tongue not to say YESS out loud on the train. "When "friend time" consistently feels like a beatdown it's time to reevaluate. This isn't complicated: a friend should behave like a friend, not a critic, a cynic, gossip, mother, doubter or hater."
ADORED this book! cannot reccomend it enough!!!
"we need to quit trying to be awesome and instead be wise" yes yes yes!! what is draining you dry in life? cut it!
Happy Thanksgiving Littens! I am so thankful for mu hubby, my puppy and my books. oh and wine of course 😋 if you want to know more about French wines and learn it in an entertaining, engaging way check out this book. Fans of AJ Leibling will love this. Also great if you are clueless about what to pair with your turkey 😉
Starting my #thanksgiving prep with the no-fault pumpkin pie. I absolutely adore this cookbook, the recipes are reliable, easy to follow and most of all FUN! #litsycooks
I know I'm late to the game here but I am LOVING Americanah! Paired it with chicken stew and salad for my #snacksinthestacks today 😉 #litsycooks
Happy Thanksgiving! Is everyone ready for the long weekend? The best way to avoid conversation while travelling and to relax & digest all that turkey is with a great foodie book. Here are a few of my favorites. What are you reading this weekend?
Blood Bones & Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton
Between Meals by AJ Liebling
Home Cooking by Laurie Cowin
The Art of Eating In by @cathyerway
I absolutely ADORED this short story collection. Awad follows a woman through different stages of her life & weightloss journey throughout these interconnected short stories touching on the many different ways we carry or dont carry our fat and the way women are percieved based on their size. It's a quick read and I would recommend it to anyone interested in gender studies, body image or even just really solid fiction.
started hagseed today for my #commuteread loving it so far! Margaret is 👑👑👑👑
all my holds came at once! does that happen to you too? now where to start?!?! #librarylove
Hello & happy Monday to my new followers! It was so great to meet you at #brlive what a fun weekend! Keep the book riot vibe going my signing up for my newsletter, coming out later today. Link in profile or search for snacks in the stacks tiny letter! 💕📚 #tinyletter #strandrarebookroom #fineset #librarylove #bookstagram #booklove
one of my recent discoveries in the books to live by category is present over perfect thanks to simple yet brilliant insights like this one. can't wait for the meet up tomorrow! #litsyriotlive #brlive
the original mean librarians ???
"If anyone take away this book, let him die the death; let him be fried in a pan; let the falling sickness and fever seize him; let him be broken on the wheel, and hanged. Amen."
inscribed in the books of the Abbey of Saint Mary, 12th Century
ok littens, who is going to #brlive this weekend?? I'll be hosting a food books meet up on Saturday and speaking on the library panel on Sunday. Also planning to attend the Litsy meet up! hope to meet some of you lovely people IRL! xo
"We spend too much time telling girls that they cannot be angry or agressive or tough, which is bad enough, but then we turn around and either praise or excuse men for the same reasons." sound familiar? Whats your #electionday read?
"I want to grab her by the shrug lapels and confess that I'm an unbeliever. That being on the machine makes me feel like I'm running in some sucking substance worse than mud. I can find no foothold, no traction. That I feel out of control, inches from the lip of the abyss."