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Edda (Original)
Edda (Original) | Snorri Sturluson
"But the king's heart swells, bulging with courage in battle, where heroes sink down..." Over a period of twenty years Snorri Sturluson, scholar, courtier and poet, compiled the prose Edda as a textbook for young poets who wished to praise kings. His work surveys the content, style and metres of traditional Viking poetry and includes a lengthy poem of Snorrie's own, honoring the king of Norway. Ironically, Snorri was killed in his cellar in Iceland in 1241 on the instigation of the king of Norway, as a result of political intrigue. The Edda contains the most extensive account of Norse myths and legends that have survived from the Middle Ages as well as the famous stories of Odin winning back the mead of poetic inspiration and Thor fishing for the Midgard serpent.
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The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology | Snorri Sturluson, Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur

Snorri kept me from snorrin with this thrilling collection of tales where Thor constantly smashes his hammer on anyone he meets

The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology | Snorri Sturluson, Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur
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The whole family is home with a cold 🥶 cancelled all the weekend plans except snuggling Snorri, eating lots of soup, & drinking cozy pots of tea ☕️

DivineDiana Oh no! Feel better one and all! 2y
StaceGhost @DivineDiana thank you! We‘re certainly trying ☺️ Covid tests are negative so far! Thank goodness 😅 2y
DivineDiana That‘s good news! 👏🏻 2y
Gissy 😻🖤🖤🖤🍂🍁 2y
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Edda (Original) | Snorri Sturluson
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#WeeklyForecast No book in progress, and that‘s the way I like to start my reading week.
1. Edda, S.Sturloson. After reading N.Gaiman‘s North Mythology I wanted to read original stories/poems.
2. The Village of Waiting, G.Packer. Start reading today for #ReadAroundTheWorld
3. Unwanted Guest, S.Lapena. I‘m in the mood for some easy going, but still gripping (I hope) audiobook.
4. Bring Up the Bodies, H.Mantel. I have to prepare for third book.😁

Emilymdxn The Edda is fantastic I hope you like it! 5y
Cinfhen Nice way to start the week/ a clean slate 😁❤️🙌🏻 5y
batsy No. 4... Me too! I remember planning this months ago... So many books got in the way 😂 5y
Simona @Emilymdxn I‘m pretty sure that I will 😘 5y
Simona @batsy You still have enough time to read it 😘 5y
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The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology | Snorri Sturluson, Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur
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Heading to the city centre where l'll speak at a little conference about Tolkien and his major sources: the Eddas, Beowulf and the Kalevala.
Guess what my topic is... and wish me luck 😄

Redjewel_7734 Good luck!!! I know you‘ll kill it 😊🙌🏻 7y
batsy Wow! Very cool. Good luck, you'll be great! ☺️🍀 7y
La_Cori in bocca al lupo! 😉 7y
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Redwritinghood 🤞🏻🤞🏻 7y
Lindy Best wishes! 🍀🍀🍀 7y
JazzFeathers @Redjewel_7734 Thanks. I hope so 😁 7y
JazzFeathers @batsy I hope so. With October being so busy, l had very little time to prepare 7y
JazzFeathers @La_Cori Grazie 🙌 Di dove sei? Lontana da Verona? 7y
JazzFeathers @Lindy Thanks. I need a bit of luck 😉 7y
La_Cori @JazzFeathers sono toscana, abito in provincia di Pistoia. Non proprio vicino alla bellissima Verona 7y
RealLifeReading Awesome! 7y
Jinjer Wow! That‘s impressive! You‘ll do great I‘m sure!!👍🏻 7y
JazzFeathers @La_Cori Che bello conoscere qualcuno su Litsy che abira vicino a me ☺ 7y
JazzFeathers @RealLifeReading lt was a nice afternoon 😊 7y
JazzFeathers @Jinjer The conference turned out nice. Pity there was not many people... but it was kind of a nerdy topic 😉 7y
50 likes16 comments
The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology | Snorri Sturluson, Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur
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Studying the Edda for a speech for my Tolkien group. Found a passage in the introduction regarding the magic of names, the power of people who remember the meaning and origine of names (gods, wizards, skalds) and the magical power of riddles.
Absutely fantastic 😍😍😍

#Tolkien #TheHobbit #TolkienTribe

The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology | Snorri Sturluson, Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur
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"Of the secrets of giants and all the gods, I can tell the truth"

A great love of mine is early medieval literature. That combined with these beautiful covers meant that I had to buy them all. (It is the 'books that inspired Tolkien' collection by penguin)

Who else judges books by their cover?

RanaElizabeth I judge, and buy, based on covers. 8y
I-read-and-eat @RanaElizabeth I have yet to find a beautiful cover that contained a disappointing book. 8y
LeahBergen Those are amazing. 8y
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