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The little tour
The little tour: Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino | Constantine FitzGibbon, Giles Playfair
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The little tour: Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino | Constantine FitzGibbon, Giles Playfair
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I really wanted to like this but I just didn't 😏 I actually hated the style it was written in and I don't think it has aged very well. Only finished it because it was my final book for #ReadingEurope2020 #SanMarino 🇸🇲 #Leichtenstien 🇱🇮

squirrelbrain I did warn you! 🤪 Congrats on finishing though! 🎉 4y
suzie.reads @squirrelbrain haha you did, I just really struggled with it 🤣 4y
squirrelbrain So did I! At least I didn‘t buy it - mine was a library book! 🤣 4y
suzie.reads @squirrelbrain only cost £1.99 fortunately 🤣 4y
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The little tour: Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino | Constantine FitzGibbon, Giles Playfair
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My final book for #ReadingEurope2020 might take me a while 😒 I really don't like the style of writing, it is going to be a real drag. Might just read afew pages a day 😐

The little tour: Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino | Constantine FitzGibbon, Giles Playfair
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This was rather amusing, not least because it was written in the early 1950s. The two authors referred to each other as ‘the collaborator‘ and also had a ‘lady photographer‘ with them, although there are no photos in the book.

I‘m using this for #sanmarino as it came out as the best of the 4; Andorra was very backward, Monaco full of annoying tourists and Liechtenstein just boring! (plus I have books for the other states)


Cathythoughts Book sounds good 👍🏻loving the nails ❤️ 5y
Librarybelle Good plan! Sometimes it‘s fun to read the travel guides/country explorations from an earlier period 5y
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The little tour: Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino | Constantine FitzGibbon, Giles Playfair
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Look what I found in the library at lunchtime! 😁 It covers 4 of the 5 micro states (only Vatican City not included).

I decided to get it out whilst I had it on my radar, as this library loans books for 12 weeks, so it doesn‘t need to go back until 2nd March!


Librarybelle Awesome!! 5y
rockpools That‘s neat! And, as a hopeless slow-coach, I‘m madly jealous of your 12-wk loans 😁 5y
squirrelbrain And you can get 30 books out at the same time @RachelO 📚📚📚📚 5y
BarbaraBB Perfect!!! 👌 5y
youneverarrived You‘ll have to let us know if it‘s good 😊 5y
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