One of today‘s Advent goodies. Question is are the peppa books really for the kid or for me 😄#WinterGames #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers #Adventathon #WrapItUpReadathon #BookSpinBingo 43 words for #WGWordSearch
One of today‘s Advent goodies. Question is are the peppa books really for the kid or for me 😄#WinterGames #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers #Adventathon #WrapItUpReadathon #BookSpinBingo 43 words for #WGWordSearch
Not the right book, will change later. This one is on our holiday display at my job and not only is the cover cute but the story, while simple, is very nice. Have to admit that Peppa being able to go to the hospital over a little bump made me jealous 😂😂 #tmskellington #wintergames #24B42020
@clwojick @StayCurious
Peppa pig gets a visit from Santa in one story and another her and George build a snowman. A great book for any Peppa Pig lover.
#HolidayRead #WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals