I found this book via the library because it was available with no wait and it said the magic words “cold case”. I freakin loved it!!!! It was twisty and complicated. I was so thrilled with this book!!! 🤗🤗
I found this book via the library because it was available with no wait and it said the magic words “cold case”. I freakin loved it!!!! It was twisty and complicated. I was so thrilled with this book!!! 🤗🤗
Aus der Abteilung Krimi. Das oben getaggte Buch ist nicht ganz das richtige. The Murder book is über die Entwicklung der Detektivgeschichten. 😍😍 Sherlock, Miss Marple, Poirot and Co. 😍🤗
The genre crime. The tagged book isn't the right one. The Murder book is about the history of detective stories. 😍😍 Sherlock, Miss Marple, Poirot and co. 😍🤗