#CurrentlyListening because I‘m on an #ArmchairFarming kick 🤓
#CurrentlyListening because I‘m on an #ArmchairFarming kick 🤓
A warts-and-all description of life on a farm. If I ever entertained the notion of having a farm, this is the book that would talk me out of it. Way too much work and heart-break 💔 for me. I enjoy reading about people that have very different experiences and lives. 3/5🐑s
Article includes mostly picture books, but tagged book has my favorite real-life llamas.
Catherine Friend was a certified city dweller, but her girlfriend wanted to start a farm in Minnesota. Having no previous experience and knowing only what they learned from books, the two embark on a journey to start a sheep farm. This book chronicles their misadventures. Through trial and error, by adding chickens, and llamas, and grapes they learn that farming is hard, rewarding work. #ReadJanuary #autobiography
🙋🏻 I devoured this. SO entertaining!
This is a great memoir by a gal that bought a farm with her partner in order to realize her partner's dream. Some have said it is whiny but I think not; I think there is honesty here. Vulnerability. Cath shows the pros + cons of farming as well as the lovely parts of nature along with some of the inevitable sadness.
I recommend this for anyone that is interested in farm/rural life. Such fun to read ☀️
I bought this on impulse this evening + cannot even begin to tell you all how much I am l-o-v-i-n-g it right now 💕