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Curioddity | Paul Jenkins
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Will Morgan is a creature of habit a low-budget insurance detective who walks to and from work with the flow of one-way traffic, and for whom imagination is a thing of the distant past. When a job opportunity enters the frame in the form of the mysterious Mr. Dinsdale curator of the ever so slightly less-than-impressive Curioddity Museum Will reluctantly accepts the task of finding a missing box of levity (the opposite of gravity). What he soon learns, however, is that there is another world out there a world of magic we can only see by learning to un-look at things and in this world there are people who want to close the Curioddity museum down. With the help of his eccentric new girlfriend Lucy, Will will do everything he can to deliver on his promise to help Mr. Dinsdale keep the Curioddity Museum in business."Curioddity" is Paul Jenkins debut novel... exciting, fast-paced, and uncanny. A must-read."
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Curioddity | Paul Jenkins
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An absolute whirlwind, a novel that starts on the path of normalcy but slowly delves into the realm of magic. As Wil rediscovers his imagination the world becomes more mystical, and the author toys with time and magic in a uniquely elaborate way. The world developed by the end of the novel is a triumph of creativity and wonder.

Curioddity | Paul Jenkins

“Who has time to fight the system when the system is smarter and richer than we are?”

Curioddity | Paul Jenkins

“Tuesday scowled back at Wil, but he had already made his decision - he was going to seize the day, preferably by the unmentionables.”

Curioddity | Paul Jenkins

“But as he climbed the stairs past three or four indifferent masses of feline fur, he sensed his thoughts were stubbornly refusing to cooperate. He felt as if he were trying to shepherd them with, say, a fire-breathing troll as opposed to, say, a metaphorical border collie. And thoughts, like sheep, usually won‘t respond to any kind of herding under those types of circumstance.”

Curioddity | Paul Jenkins

“I feel like a fish that just jumped off the side of a fishing boat, and accidentally landed in a stray net that a previous fisherman hung out to dry. Either you‘re trying to catch me on purpose, Mr. Dinsdale, or I‘m trying to be caught by mistake. I‘m cold, and it‘s snowing, and my coffee has worn off. I don‘t know where I am or why I am. Does that about cover it for you?”

Curioddity | Paul Jenkins
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This book is so difficult to read... the author wants to hear himself be clever more than he wants to move the story forward. I'm mildly interested in the story but I'm finding myself skimming over all this literary diarrhea to find the point. 🙄 I know quarantine is going to be long but #mountTBR awaits... if it doesn't pick up, it's out.

Curioddity | Paul Jenkins
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Unfinished stuff... I feel less and less focused as the days go on. Yesterday wasn't great BUT I finished a baby shower gift for my husband's friend. Trying to read this for #hatoncover for #Booked2020 and I'm just not able to clear my head enough to read about magic and potential parallel universes. 🙃🌻🤹‍♀️

JoScho That mug is so cute! 5y
IamIamIam @JoScho Thanks!! Our 2nd trip to Disneyland and it was a tough choice between the mug or ears. I opted for Haunted Mansion ears and this mug! ❤ 5y
JoScho Always the Haunted Mansion! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I understand the issues with focus lately. My emotions are all over the place ... 5y
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Curioddity | Paul Jenkins
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Full of the wry humour I've come to love from British writers. I could relate to Wil's curmudgeonly grumbling. In Wil I see the journey of the fledgling shaman, the novice alchemist. Lucy is a nice contrast to Wil's brooding. I'd love to read more books set in this world. Loved the cover. The silhouette on the front reminds me of Mycroft from the BBC Sherlock.

🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 Highly recommended if you like fantasy and/or tongue-in-cheek humour.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍😀 8y
DrJAdMerricksson Thanks! 8y
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Curioddity | Paul Jenkins

Everything about this book can be summed up in the scene where the main character is on a date with a free-spirited woman described in every synonym to "pretty" there could possibly exist (with barely any other descriptives) who he has already decided he's in love with despite knowing her for less than a day. She tells him he's not like other, selfish men she's dated despite the fact he has spent the entire dinner talking about himself.

Curioddity | Paul Jenkins
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Thanks to Netgalley I just got this little gem and am loving it! Full or quirky characters and a touch of magic.

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