#internationalcatday I think mine has decided that I am not allowed to take up space on her couch, but she's just too cute to move. Guess I'll find someplace else to read. 😻
#internationalcatday I think mine has decided that I am not allowed to take up space on her couch, but she's just too cute to move. Guess I'll find someplace else to read. 😻
"By sticking out his tongue and curling it sideways to explore the hairy jungle around his mouth, he was always able to find a tasty morsel here and there to nibble on."
Every time I see a dude with a bushy beard, all I can think about is Mr Twit.
I love this entire series and this is no exception. You sometimes think that 8 books in the spark would be gone but the world is so vast and well constructed that each book has been stand alone fantastic. Oberon is my favorite, but who doesn't love a dog that loves bacon?
Started out so good and then kind of petered out. I wanted it to be much scarier than it was and ended on a pretty predictable note. Had potential but never quite lived up to it.
Weirdly different and the same as the first book. I enjoyed it but it wasn't as unique as the first. Joe is still creepy as hell and I couldn't read it at night, but almost wish she would have left us with just the first one.
Started out so strong but then fell apart. Figured out the whodunit half way through and lost sympathy for the characters. Writing was solid but just didn't enjoy how the story degraded over time.
I'm still enjoying it, but I find myself so annoyed with the characters and their lack of awareness. I just want to shake them!
It's twisty and turny and utterly hypnotizing. It's going to be a long night because I can't put it down!
Full disclosure: knew it was a script and that it wasn't really written by J.K. Rowling.
However, loved Harry Potter since book 1, went to all the midnight releases and devoured the books. I wanted this to be an addition to the universe but turned out to be a disappointment. It was missing the magic! The writing wasn't great and the story was weak.
I think the final book gave us a perfect resolution, why tarnish the legacy with this?
What the what?! This was sci fi insanity at its best! As soon as it answers a question, another one arises.
Brings about questions if what we perceive is actually truth or a variation of that truth. Who are we? Where are we?
I may name my next cat Schrödinger because the theory and repercussions are just that awesome.
" I love Stephen King as much as any red rum drinking American, but I resent the fact that I, the bookseller, am his bitch."
For a bit of nostalgia re-read this old Pike gem. Forgot how fun his weird brand of horror was.
“And the bullshit thing is, if someone saw the three of us, well, most people would think I‘m the weird one just because I followed you here. And that‘s the problem with this world, with women."
Seriously....this book is giving me the heebie jeebies, but I can't stop reading! ?
"There's no proximity alert, no indication that you're standing on the precipice. And maybe that's what makes tragedy so tragic. Not just what happens, but how it happens: a sucker punch that comes out at you out of nowhere, when you're least expecting it. No time to flinch or brace."
That's just the first page...it's gonna be epic.
What a fun book! It moves along with witty and delightful dialogue. A fantastic summer read!
I love a good summer read, but this was not one of those. It was actually very boring with terrible characters. I couldn't take the whining and complaining. Then, after slogging through it, the ending was terrible with no resolution. What a disappointment.
Just about to dive in. Can't wait!
Whew! #24in48 @24in48 is over and I made it! It was awesome and my first time. I may have neglected a few things, but it was fun. Can't wait till next year!
I get it, teenagers are complicated and full of angst, but this depiction of them was unsettling and weirdly false. The tone was overly sinister with unsympathetic characters. More than anything it had quite a bit of repetitive descriptive copy that kept it from progressing.
I went into this hoping it would live up to the hype and it just didn't. It started out strong with an appropriately unsettling setting and an unreliable narrator. Despite this, it was overwrought and ultimately disappointing. The tacked on addition of email and social media posts were distracting and didn't enhance the story.
Someone is clearly telling me to get out of bed and commence with #24in48
I am a die hard Seinfeld fan so this book fed my addiction. It offered behind the scenes glimpses and gave voices to those that made the show what it was. This isn't for casual fans as it makes generous use of the phrases and moments that are Seinfeld lexicon. Well written and engaging, I thought it was a great homage to the show that changed everything.
Surprisingly good. A great summer read with a sequel coming next year. A little magic makes everything better. #24in48 book 2 down, onto the next one 👍🏽
My reading coach making sure I get through the reading weekend #24in48 #readathon
It's on!! #24in48 #readathon @24in48
I was skeptical when I first heard of this series but gave it a whirl and oh boy, am I glad I did. Irreverent, tongue-in-cheek fun. I devoured the whole series and am moving on to the others. A delightful cast with witty writing and great plots.
Is it strange that I disliked this from the start? Had really high hopes and then started reading about these terrible women. The twist wasn't worth slogging through this mess.
Isn't it obvious I'm working? I don't think anyone will notice when I don't answer my phone.....😉
Well...started out intriguing and lost steam. I was kind of bummed about the ending because I feel like it didn't stay true to the tone. Just ok.
Started out pretty great but slowly disintegrated. Figured out the ending about half way through. Only ok, didn't live up to the hype.
"Some call it prayer. And as with all prayers, it comes down to either asking someone else to fight for you, or asking yourself to fight"
A seriously creepy read. I can't read it at night.
I am a total sucker for a good thriller and this is a great one. Awesome writing and a fun twisty mystery. His characters are full of faults but don't let those define them. Love the whole series.
Started out pretty great and then slowly lost its voice. Maybe it's true that people squander second chances but these were people who had nowhere to go but up, so their journey was ultimately a disappointment.
It's so tempting to judge this against Ready Player One (it's bonkers good) but that isn't fair. However, it doesn't have the same magic as his previous outing. The story isn't as original and lacks the cleverness of the first. The writing is still top notch and witty dialogue, but not his best.
Wow! Just wow. It's too hot to be outside so staying inside to binge this awesome book.
Have just started this and am intrigued. It vacillates between the present and the beginning of the "show" so interesting pacing. Liking it so far, but hoping it doesn't disintegrate into the standard dystopian.
"But the thing about people, Kell had discovered, is that they didn't really want to know. They thought they did, but knowing only made them miserable."
Very interesting and thought provoking. An under the radar question about what really makes a person. Is it our bodies, our memories or our heart? What happens when one of those irrevocably changes? Can't wait to see how it ends.
"I'm not going to die," she said. "Not till I've seen it."
"Seen what?"
Her smile widened. "Everything."
I'm in the mood for magic and this is fitting the bill!
Thanks to Netgalley I just got this little gem and am loving it! Full or quirky characters and a touch of magic.
So...started this morning and just finished. It wasn't that it was a better mystery or had more twists, but it was just so engaging and a fresh voice. The main agents are flawed but are genuine and the story runs along at a great pace. Can't wait for the next one.