The question now is what enemy the sequel to Blade Runner will generate, what automatons will occupy this ever present topography of futurity and decayed capital, and what fantasies they will mobilize.
The question now is what enemy the sequel to Blade Runner will generate, what automatons will occupy this ever present topography of futurity and decayed capital, and what fantasies they will mobilize.
"So your son is mature enough to read the Martian but you think he'd blanch at this book because it seems to feature a female character? I don't think your son is as mature as you think he is." #thingsbooksellerscantsay #butiwishicould
For every pinpoint sharp thing Dumas says about race I guarantee there is a cringingly bad comment about Asians or the simple mindedness of common black people to set it back. Dumas clearly had some shit to work through, and the book reflects the complication of its creator, both speaking against racism and also displaying a large amount of it, internalized or not. I wish I could hate it, but I don't. I wish I could love it, but I can't.
This a book that I think will be difficult to fully review because when people ask me things like "what did you like about it? The writing, the characters, the plot?" And all I can say is "ALL OF IT. ALL THE THINGS." And then just let out a scream of emotions. As a contrast I have provided a picture of my cat being apathetic to it.
An entire book of cry/laughing. Crying at tragedies, atrocities, and miseries, laughing at the happenstances of tragedies, the insane troll logic of atrocities, the futility of miseries. Honestly kind of amazing that this book is as funny as it is, and that Trevor grew up to be as put together as he is.
haven't done a whole lot of reading recently, but I did finish this one while in the glow of my kindle screen at the middle of the night. I liked it a lot more than the first, which I thought was okay. The stakes are higher, the characters more evolved. Now I have to wait for book 3.
Eyes closed, feet dancing their way toward the pond, she was her own music, her body her favorite thing she ever owned.
Buying books I've read for free because I wanted a copy~~ Congrats to March for winning the #NBAwards! Graphic novel love! May I see it shelved next to the greats forever more!
For as much as this book is about Susan La Flesche and the intensity for which she fought for the good of her people, the emphasis of how hard she struggled lies in contrast to the apathetic, if not outright unhelpful, government she appealed to constantly. A book both about a changing community, for better or for worse, and the woman who embodied that change.
The adults wanted to put feathers on the little girl's head, but Susan explained that Indian women didn't wear head feathers. Then Susan told the friends she came with that the adults would probably end up putting feathers on the little girl anyway. And they did. But "how could they do it when it wasn't so?" the friends asked Susan.
A group of [...] savages [...] had taken on the world's finest cavalry [...] and wiped out their glorious commander and his five companies to the last man.
The generals were furious, and [...] one thing crystallized in the minds of the nation's leaders: The western territories could never be settled [...] until the likes of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse and all of the Lakota and their allies were crushed, broken, and confined to reservations.
Decent plot twists and a friendship that is IRON CAST if you know what I mean. Basically two female characters that I wanted to shove at each other screaming "KISS" but was as usual disappointed as I generally am at YA when it does two gal pals that are SO CLOSE. 1920s vibe well maintained tho and I liked the "magic".
dear universe, if ever needing to make up a book boyfriend for me, plz refer to zacharias wythe. I meant to post some fanart for #riotreads but I was lazy anyway they exist despite.
I don't know if I can begin to coherently describe how Becky Chambers' books make me feel like I could at moment cry at a ladybug for being so small and beautiful. This book and its predecessor make me feel warm and touched. On top of phenomenal and considerate world building, the message and stories are borderline overwhelmingly sweet in a real, but endlessly hopeful way. I want to squeeze this book in a hug not unlike if it was a cat. Squeeeze.
To see [her face] now, with full cheeks and healthy colour and clean skin that had smiled often enough to gain a few lines - that was worth everything. It was worth every day of being alone, every day of wondering what had gone wrong.
Everything about this book can be summed up in the scene where the main character is on a date with a free-spirited woman described in every synonym to "pretty" there could possibly exist (with barely any other descriptives) who he has already decided he's in love with despite knowing her for less than a day. She tells him he's not like other, selfish men she's dated despite the fact he has spent the entire dinner talking about himself.
I read this a few years ago but wanted to mention it in honor of this HAWT GORGEOUS COVER. I'm a sucker for Schaherazade retellings, but when it comes down to it, this book is not up my alley. BUT I LOVE IT. Shazi is a wonderfully complex character that allows the otherwise predictable romance in the book to take a fresh turn. I guess when it comes down to it I just like my female characters a little stabby.
Did you see the new trailer that dropped today?!?! SO EXCITE. If you cant wait for the film, I highly recommend checking out the book, which actually starts from WWII, when these women's work was instrumental in the high quality high tech airplanes used in the war.
A good book to set the mood during a raging snow storm. Elegantly written and with a solid plot and characters. Major criticism lays in general lack of diversity, even in gender. Female characters are present but aren't given an equal footing, and the term "Evil Wizard" is bandied about without real explanation, which makes it a little void of meaning. Still a very recommendable book.
Got to meet the awesome Grace Lin a few days ago, for her new, freshly nominated book When the Sea Turned to Silver. Always great to have more kid books out revelling in non-white, non-Western perspectives. Also she liked the sign I made.
A book that not only gives fresh perspective on the Grimms' Fairy Tales, but gives a new lens on all media; how everything had someone behind it, who wrote it from a specific worldview. The Grimms were an intermediary from mouth to page, and what they changed for the sake of their morals still affects us today.
Knowing that the plot of "Mother Holle" includes a beautiful diligent maiden and her ugly and lazy stepsister, one can assume that the latter will talk more often.
Brief though this tale is, it, too, maintains a pattern in which bad girls talk more frequently.
Thus book couldn't have been better if it came with cake. I am now compelled to get the second one, hopefully I can restrain myself from ripping it apart in my eagerness.