It was boring. The characters are very immature and childish. A lot of telling and not showing. The big reveal was predictable for me. ⭐️⭐️
It was boring. The characters are very immature and childish. A lot of telling and not showing. The big reveal was predictable for me. ⭐️⭐️
A one sitting read! I love that there is some crossovers from characters from other series. This is book 1 in a dark romance. Kinda mafia/brotherhood in nature. I love the characters and the set up for the next book. #balletthemedread #littensloveromance
Book 13/2022. Finished 17/1/2022 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Paperback - Reread
Dark, Dirty & Twisted
HOLY SHIT - I have not read a story line like this ever! Think circus meets sex show meets dance troupe meets elitist Russian family. Read in one sitting. Also love the fact there are little cross overs to her other books.
Be warned not for the faint of heart.