Quite predictive at times.
Quite predictive at times.
Really great insights on how to push forward on new Innovations with small investments in order to ensure that you're building the right product.
Leí que el libro describe el modelo de negocios más usado en Sillicon Valley
I didn't like the beginning, he started to talk about how great the Lean Startup method was without actually explaining what it was about, like a fraudster trying to sell you a miraculous medicine, but it turned that the book is a good managment book, I recommend it to anyone interested in the matter.
Read before you start a business
Sometimes when you take books on a boat, they get wet!!! 😱 Hubby's book became a victim this morning. Luckily we were able to dry it out, for the most part! 👍
This is one of the most important lessons of the scientific method: if you cannot fail, you cannot learn.
Reading is good, action is better
Good ideas, not super enjoyable.