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Thirteen Storeys
Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
9 posts | 8 read | 1 reading | 5 to read
A chilling thriller that's perfect for fans of Get Out and The Haunting of Hill House. A dinner party is held in the penthouse of a multimillion-pound development. All the guests are strangers - even to their host, the billionaire owner of the building. None of them know why they were selected to receive his invitation. Besides a postcode, they share only one thing in common - they've all experienced an unsettling occurrence within the building's walls. By the end of the night, their host is dead, and none of the guests will say what happened. His death remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries - until now.
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Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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Gruesome with a purpose. Heavy on the social commentary, heavy in general. There are some quality creeps given, but the pacing is tricky. You spend 325 pages of a 387 page book getting to know the characters and to a certain extent the phenomena that will feature in the denouement. There's a limited amount of interaction between them. This is essentially 12 short ghost stories drawn together by the thirteenth chapter. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 I think it pulled it off, but I can see how it might not work for horror readers depending on what they thought they were getting based on the cover/synopsis. Think more creeping dread rather than pulse-pounding slasher. ⚠️gore, cannibalism (edited) 3mo
BookmarkTavern I listen to his podcasts, The Magnus Archives and the Magnus Protocol! Good to know his fiction lived up to my expectations! 3mo
Robotswithpersonality @BookmarkTavern I found out the confusing way that the character in Magnus Archives (which is now on my podcast list) and the real-author-person are one and the same. 😅 Sometimes Googling writers ends in unexpected places! 3mo
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BookmarkTavern Have you listened to his band, The Mechanisms? I highly recommend them! (edited) 3mo
Robotswithpersonality @BookmarkTavern Is there nothing this man cannot do?? 😧 Will have to put that on the playlist. 3mo
Robotswithpersonality @BookmarkTavern Initial listening suggests suggests storytelling branches across all three platforms: novels, podcasts, songs. Makes sense! Great voice. 3mo
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Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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Gotta appreciate a horror writer with a furry friend named Sir Pouncealot. ☺️

Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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Just ✨imaginary friend things✨. 👀

Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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When the home AI decides to call out the fitness influencer hypocrisy. 😏😁

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Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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Book 220📚 3⭐️

A low 3⭐️ but still entertaining! Told in the view of 13 people invited to a dinner party. Chapters were long which is maybe why I didn‘t jive with it better.

Interesting ending but could have been wilder!

Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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Chilling? Not really. I think I spooked myself out in my teens.

The stories of the 13 inhabitants of Banyan Court soon become repetitive and feel dragged out.

#AwesomeApril #readathon @Andrew65

Andrew65 Oh dear 😔 3y
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Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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A wealthy building owner dies but what happened? This book follows the stories of residents and people connected with the building, each one of them has been sent an invitation to go to a dinner party hosted by the owner
On paper this sounded right up my street but I found it to be mainly boring and the end was an anti climax. Only just a so so

Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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Sims knows how to tell a story from beginning through to end without resorting to cheap genre tropes or writing himself into a corner.

These short, interconnected stories are an engaging and, at times, powelful read.

Importantly, there are actual scares and moments of creeping dread. However, gore and violence is at the lower end, if that sort of thing concerns you.

This is supernatural, psycological horror that delivers thrills and chills.

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Thirteen Storeys | Jonathan Sims
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Pre ordered this from Amazon this morning, it sounds really up my street, looking forward to reading it when it arrives later this month