Finished off this tonight. I must say it was a really good book and I have enjoyed reading it. But maybe not enough to read the next book in the series. Still I would recommend this read.
Finished off this tonight. I must say it was a really good book and I have enjoyed reading it. But maybe not enough to read the next book in the series. Still I would recommend this read.
Third thunderstorm in 24 hours. At least we are awake for this one and won‘t be woken up at u godly hours. Perfect time to read I think.
While waiting for my library books to come in I have pulled this off my TBR shelf of books I own. It looks good, so everything crossed it will be.
Take a walk through the garden and listen to each of the poisonous plants tell their stories. This is a dark and creepy book with beautiful botanical illustrations.
#SeptemberDanes Day 4: #Poison Diaries contains info re various plants with such clarity and … yes, authenticity. While I found the diary-stylistic-technique a little bit contrived, the knowledge about plants was not. I liked reading about foxglove, moonseed, oleander and very curious names of powerful plants that have the power to cure or kill a person. It lent the book a credible and unique quality to it. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-di
You see, Jessamine, love is a kind of poison; one of my favorite kinds, in fact. It infects the blood; it takes over the mind; it seizes dominance over the body.
A very interesting read if only for the illustrations. Not sure if I would buy it for my child though 😳 pretty dark story