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A Country Doctor's Notebook
A Country Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov
Part autobiography, part fiction, this early work by the author of The Master and Margarita shows a master at the dawn of his craft, and a nation divided by centuries of unequal progress. In 1916 a 25-year-old, newly qualified doctor named Mikhail Bulgakov was posted to the remote Russian countryside. He brought to his position a diploma and a complete lack of field experience. And the challenges he faced didnt end there: he was assigned to cover a vast and sprawling territory that was as yet unvisited by modern conveniences such as the motor car, the telephone, and electric lights. The stories in A Country Doctors Notebook are based on this two-year window in the life of the great modernist. Bulgakov candidly speaks of his own feelings of inadequacy, and warmly and wittily conjures episodes such as peasants applying medicine to their outer clothing rather than their skin, and finding himself charged with delivering a babyhaving only read about the procedure in text books. Not yet marked by the dark fantasy of his later writing, this early work features a realistic and wonderfully engaging narrative voicethe voice, indeed, of twentieth century Russias greatest writer. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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A Young Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov, Hugh A. Aplin
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Almost instantly after injecting one syringeful of two-per cent solution, a state of calm sets in which turns straight away into delight and bliss. But this continues for only one or two minutes. And then it's all lost without trace, as if it had never been. Pain, dread, darkness set in. The spring roars, black birds fly from bare branch to bare branch, while in the distance the forest reaches towards the sky like bristles, broken and black...

Avanders I love Bulgakov 3mo
charl08 @Avanders I found these stories a lot more my thing than 3mo
Avanders Interesting! I‘ve had this one on my tbr for a while, but i really did love Master 😉 3mo
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A Young Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov, Hugh A. Aplin
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...she undid a package, and out of it fell a long, snow-white towel with an artless red cockerel embroidered on it....

And for many years it hung in my bedroom in Muryino, and then it went with me on my wanderings. Finally it grew ragged, faded, became full of holes, and finally disappeared, fading and disappearing just like memories.

MartinaLove It looks so, so good!😋 3mo
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A Young Doctors Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Day 230.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

A Country Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I don‘t read many books about medicine so I probably wouldn‘t have read A Country Doctor‘s Notebook if not for the #Booked2021 prompt a doctor or nurse main character. All the stories were interesting, especially Baptism by Rotation, and gave a glimpse into life and medicine in a snowy Russian country town in 1916-1917.

sarahbarnes Interesting! I‘ve never heard of this one, only Master and Margarita. 4y
alisiakae Sounds good! 4y
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Cinfhen Sounds really interesting ❣️So glad the challenge moved you to pick up something you may not have 🤗🤗 4y
Catsandbooks @Texreader sounds like it! Interesting! 4y
mhillis @sarahbarnes I‘ve been meaning to read that for a very long time. 4y
mhillis @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft Thanks, I‘m too squeamish for this genre and had to skip over a few descriptions! 4y
readordierachel Have you watched the Netflix adaptation of this? Daniel Radcliffe and Jon Hamm are in it. It was pretty good, though I can't say how faithful it is to the source material. 4y
mhillis @readordierachel Oh I had no idea it was a series! Thanks, I‘ll check if it‘s a available here 4y
sarahbarnes It‘s one of my favorites! 4y
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A Young Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov, Hugh A. Aplin
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A Country Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov

This is a quick read of short, related stories. Nothing compared to The Master and Margarita, but solid and interesting nonetheless. Nice perspective on practicing medicine in the boonies!

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A Young Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov, Hugh A. Aplin

I love medical things, especially early medical things, so even though this collection of diary entries is a bit repetitive in the beginning I enjoyed it quite a bit.

A Young Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov, Hugh A. Aplin
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Here we go! (I hated the start of the TV series, which seemed to be more of a farce... Never continued watching it. I hope the book is not like that.)

A Young Doctor's Notebook | Mikhail Bulgakov, Hugh A. Aplin
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Most know Bulgakov for the Master and Margarita. This is some of his earlier writing, a series of semi autobiographical tales written about his time as a young doctor in a remote country town. An interesting picture of doubt in own abilities, many successes with patients and some failures.