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The Sentinel
The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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"It is close to midnight on a Saturday night when Jack Reacher gets off a bus at the Greyhound station in Nashville. Reacher is in no hurry. He has no appointments to keep. No people to see. No scores to settle. Not yet anyway. But in the early morning hours, under particular circumstances, a familiar thought will be snaking through his sharp, instinctual lizard brain: A voice in his head telling him to walk away. Of course, this wouldn't be the first time he listened to his gut instead. Meanwhile, seventy-five miles south and west of Music City is a sleepy little town where a recently-fired guy nurses a grudge that will fester into fury--and a desire for payback. But who is watching him, standing guard over a long-buried secret, ready to strike before it can be revealed? If you don't have a sense of the danger you're in, then it's best to have Reacher"--
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The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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🎧📚Jack Reacher hitches a ride to his next unplanned destination. Once there he sees an unassuming & apparently clueless man being roughed up & dragged to a car.

Reacher steps in & foils the kidnapping.

You learn that the intended victim is Rusty Rutherford, the town pariah. He was recently fired from his job as the town‘s IT manager after their network was locked down & held for ransom.


Twainy The town has ground to a halt as everything is run, hidden, secured by the town‘s network which is now in the hands of cyber criminals.

Rusty won‘t leave town as he wants to prove his innocence. Of course Reacher is going to help.

It was fun! I haven‘t read more than one or two Reacher stories. I was entertained.
Trashcanman How did I get here? 3y
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The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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While unrealistic to the point where I was expecting a surprise twist that the protaganist would turn out to be a secret super hero with magic powers, this was a fun thriller. Jack Reacher is an ex-military guy who wanders the country getting into trouble, including lots of violent fights, because he likes to help victims and solve crims. I have already read another Jack Reacher novel and intend to read more.

LitStephanie Think that (IMO) terrible John Wick movie but more entertaining and with extra judicial murders to fight crimes against random strangers instead of personal vendetta. 3y
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The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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Ive followed lee child‘s Jack reacher series from the start and it was always one of my favourites, however, I gave up a few books ago as the spark seemed to have gone from Reacher. Decided to give this a go to see if I‘ve been missing out. I enjoyed the plot of this book but it was nothing like the old Jack. His grittiness has gone, not many cliffhanger or heart pounding moments and it just didn‘t feel like a Reacher book. 👇🏻

Cazxxx A lot of the writing felt forced and a bit cliche in places. I know his brother is writing this series with him now and it definitely shows. The writing seems a lot more amateur and not fast paced like Lee Child. Jack just isn‘t Jack anymore. It does seem like it‘s the end of Reacher which makes me sad. I‘ll not be picking up any more of the series after this. It‘s a shame and feels like he‘s just carrying it on for the money 3y
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The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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Book 25 in the series and I'm sad to say I think I was right about this series. Did not enjoy the style of writing especially the repetitive paragraph opener of 'The same time' don't get someone else to write your books!
Still love Reacher though he is so sarcy and kicks ass!! 😍

The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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Me "I'm never reading another Jack Reacher book now Lee Child has got his brother to write them, going all James Patterson on me."

Also me "Might aswell read it as someone in work gave it me to read." ??

The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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The baton is handed over.. The crowd favourite Jack Reacher is now in the hands of Lee Child's brother Andrew Grant (aka Child). How did that work out? Not too well, I'm afraid!
Jack Reacher walks in on a kidnapping attempt and seeing the complexity and apparent lack of strong motive, decides to stay back and investigate... What happens next? Please read my review here https://rb.gy/s3qrpg to find out more!
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The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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Most recent Reacher novel. It was the same and yet different than the others. I‘m not sure if I‘m just out of practice but it seemed hokier (painfully forced) than before and there were even more forced story lines connected to various technology. Overall it was a Reacher novel—not to be read for literary brilliance but for bad guys getting bad things.

suzie.reads I refuse to read anymore as Lee Child isn't writing them and the idsas have dried up 4y
CRR This one seemed dry and forced for sure. 4y
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The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel | Lee Child, Andrew Child
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Yeah, I never really get sick of Jack Reacher hey? And he always shows up just when I‘m getting sick of the year as a perfectly timed little pick me up. To be honest I was pretty worried about old mate Lee handing over the reigns to his brother but I didn‘t realise he was already a writer. It‘s actually come off relatively well. Minus one star for some overworked stuff about Reacher getting a cellphone for the first time.