Enjoyable book. I have read the authors other books so kind of knew what to expect. They are quirky and unique—and schticky at the same time. This is my last Christmas break fun read before grad schools starts again tomorrow.
Enjoyable book. I have read the authors other books so kind of knew what to expect. They are quirky and unique—and schticky at the same time. This is my last Christmas break fun read before grad schools starts again tomorrow.
Another optional read for Christmas break before grad school starts back up. I think this is 14 in the series and like always it was the same in the right ways and yet unique in its own ways too. This one painfully looked at sex trafficking crimes involving young girls. Heart breaking. Good story concerning a painful subject.
Another Christmas break read in the longer series of Corcoran O‘Connor. I enjoyed this one like I do the others. It had its familiar parts and its own storyline too. I continue to enjoy the character development and general stories. I‘m sure I will continue along in the series.
My second Christmas break book and 13th in this series. It continued the story of Cork O‘Connor as he figures out mysteries in the far northern part of Minnesota. I enjoy the stories and the break from school.
Newest in the Jack Reacher series. I thought it was a good one. The sequence of events was different than the typical sort in the series. The changes were in the same overall vein though. Storyline was good and interesting. I enjoyed it—now just need to wait a year for another one.!
Another in the series. I found this one interesting because I moved to the area right after this story was set. There was a bad wind storm in the boundary waters of northern Minnesota and it was a central part of this story. This one was different than the others in the series but still the same. I‘m back in grad school now so I expect I will read more for school and less for fun.
Another late night finish—couldn‘t put it down. I feel like I say the same thing every time—but this one was different than the others but still the same. It is interesting to see how the characters develop and grow over time. I love the northern Minnesota location of the books as I lived up there for a couple years. Halfway through the series!
Couldn‘t put this one down. Stayed up late to finish. Emotional story. The main characters kids are growing and changing. Story was a bit more places this time. I didn‘t know who to trust in the process.
Finished another in the long series. I am personally enjoying a slower pace this summer and reading for pleasure. These stories are good—captivating. They are all similar but each different too. This one deviated a little within the main characters moral compass. Interesting to see how that will develop. Book ended with an unexpected storyline—tragic and thought provoking.
Another part of the larger series. The story is deviating from the earlier norm but it was a good one. I enjoyed learning more about some growing characters. It wrapped up well and I will keep on in the series.
Quite a bit different than the others in the series so far. I like how the characters are developing. I enjoyed the broadening of the storyline and connection to new characters. I feel like this one diverted from the norm and the next book will return to similar themes…but time will tell.
Late night kindle finish. Couldn‘t stop reading. This is the 5th book in the long series. It was similar to the others and also its own story. It sorta ended with a cliff hanger that is continued into the next book. I don‘t love that but I‘d guess it sells books. Now I just need to wait for the next one to be available from the library!
Just finished. I have been reading this one for a while. I moved towns. Lost reading motivation for a little bit. Almost gave up but pressed on. I think there were 10 parts of this book. It was a bit of a winding ride with alot of ups and downs. Overall I thought it was a beautiful story that carried me along for the ride.
4 of 20. It is interesting to be this far into the series. The characters are developing more. And there are new characters coming and going too. The stories have some twists and turns but they are surely enjoyable. This one had an interesting religious undertone that added to the story.
Book 3 of the series of 20. I like how the characters are developing. They are simple stories in a way but entirely enjoyable. I thought this one had enough twists and turns to be captivating. I like the mixture of story elements and the northern Minnesota location. Will keep reading the series.
#2 of 20 in the series. I am getting to know and like the characters. These books are a bit longer than others like them—which I like. The stories are what they are—entertaining and enjoyable. I like the Native American themes. And I like they are set in Northern Minnesota, where I have spent much time. On to the next one!
I was looking for a new series to read this summer and came across these ones about sheriff Cork O‘Connor. I feel like I might have read this one years ago but didn‘t remember until near the end. I liked it and plan to read more in the series.
Good book. I have read a few other Holocaust memoirs over the years. This one was similar but also different. The author had a little more opportunity than some, but also experienced the atrocities of the time. I liked his perspective so much. I agree that his story, and others like it, need to keep being told.
I enjoyed this book as I have the few others of Newport‘s I have read. I like his reframing of ideas and reevaluating cultural norms. His writing causes me to think more about the topics he covers. This one considered the influence of different things on knowledge based jobs. I liked how he wrapped up the second half sharing helpful ways to incorporate the information into real life.
I thought it was good. Classic CJBox Joe Pickett story. It had all the good characters. A few weird twists and hard events. Overall I enjoyed it. I didn‘t like that it ended with some unfinished business but I guess that‘s how you sell more books.
I liked this book. I thought it handled the subject of mental illness and Christ amazing well. The author struggles with OCD and shared his story along with thinking more deeply about the promises of the Gospel. I got bogged down a little but enjoyed it and appreciated it overall.
I really like Brant Hansen and his writing. He is easy to read and connectable. In this book he shares stories and considers the Christian call to living with joy. I found it thoughtful and encouraging. He shares a good variety of other authors and quotes. He thinks differently than the norm and that is a good thing.
I really enjoyed this book. I thought it had good themes and characters. I liked the interplay between different racial groups. And the unconditional love. I struggled at first to keep up with perspective changes but quickly got drawn into the story. Thought it wrapped up nicely.
I think this book was mentioned in another I read about running. It tells about the authors journey through alcoholism and running as a means of healing. The book tells about different races he ran while also telling personal stories from his past. Enjoyable read.
A bit of a wild ride through this one. I enjoyed it. It did feel heavy for me at times—as I have experienced abused and addiction in my own life. It led me to reminiscing some and got personally dreary for a little bit. Thankful for the whole storyline and how things wrapped up in the end.
I heard this author speak on a podcast talking about mental health. I was intrigued by his story and ordered his book. Overall, I appreciated it very much and think it is a helpful resource for people who struggle (like me). The book is mainly written to Christians, but can be helpful to anyone. I may have had some differences in opinion/experience but that‘s to be expected. Overall, I enjoyed it and will share it with others.
Weird subject for sure but certainly interesting. I liked learning about different ways cadavers are used and have been used in the past. It was shocking at times but always interesting. I would like to read other books by the author now.
I had seen the movie and was a little familiar with the authors story. It was good to read this and get more of the story and more details. The Equal Justice Initiative does amazing and much needed work. Thankful for the work they are doing.
My last Haruf book—I have really enjoyed them all. I liked this one too. It was different from the others but still very good. It was a quick read. It caused me to think more about change over a lifetime and how we can make new things at any age. Live into life and hope even when it might make people talk.
Interesting book that interviews and spends time with several different types of conspiracy theorists. The book has been around over 20 years—this is a slightly updated edition. Interesting to see how things have changed and also stayed the same. Ronson finds some humorous and interesting people to listen to and he looks into their claims as best he can. I enjoyed it.
Interesting story of a family in Kabul. I was especially intrigued by the different layers of the family. It was interesting to see a more personal look into daily life in Afghanistan. The book came out in 2002 so it is fairly old now, but I doubt life has changed a whole lot there.
I thought Perry came across really shallow, self centered, and vain in this book. He writes about all the great things he did and women he slept with and drugs he did. But he never knew any sort of peace or satisfaction. Sad story in my opinion.
I thought this was interesting and easy to read. It is a little dated and there is much that has happened since it was written but the idea is the same. I think Ronson does a good job of being authentic and working through things well. I like how he shares criticisms against him and the way he processes those things.
I enjoyed this book. I liked Ronson‘s style and curious nature. It was silly in some ways but informative in others. He showed an ability to learn, apply, and self correct through the book. I bought the rest of his books in the early pages of starting this one. I look forward to reading them.
Really good book that looked into and explained some of the extremism in the historic evangelical church in America. It was difficult to read because of the uncomfortable truths that it exposed. I wish that many in the American church would read and receive this important message. I hope that I can receive it in my own heart too. Merry Christmas.
Newest in the Reacher series. Good story. It felt familiar— like one of the others in the series. But they all sort of blend together in time. I thought it was well written (for the genre) and enjoyable.
Really interesting story and perspective. There is a culture of male dominance in some areas of the church that can seem to work for some people while badly hurting others. The stories of hurt are not shared often enough so it is good to listen and learn. And there are often unhelpful voices only making things worse. I am thankful for the authors story and insight into this topic.
New addition to the Percy Jackson stories. It‘s been a while since I‘ve read one but it was easy to get back into. Quick and enjoyable read. It left some things unfinished so I wonder if there are more new ones planned.
Great memoir of the author growing up in Alabama. I learned so much from him and his story. I could relate in some places but in more I was able to listen. I am thankful for this book and would encourage others to read it.
Interesting second memoir from Burroughs. I read running with scissors years ago, but don‘t remember it very well. This one was a good. His style is easy to read and it is interesting. It chronicles his ups and downs in his recovery from alcohol and drugs. I ordered three more of his more recent books.
It‘s about changing toxic church culture toward a culture centered around Jesus. So many places are dark in the world. This book speaks about living into the light and becoming people of goodness. I enjoyed it. Haven‘t been reading as much lately as I started grad school.
Few books really feel life changing. This book is one of those for me. It teaches and reframes the Internal Family Systems therapy from more of a Christian perspective (with IFS founder Richard Schwartz‘s blessing). This book helped me make sense of so many things and has led me to growth in my life. I am thankful for the information and the going deeper exercises too.
Good short little book about living into an encouraged life of faith. It had good things to think about. It was an easy and enjoyable read.
First of several spiritual biographies from the author. I really enjoyed her story personally as I am in a bit of a shifting season. It could relate to her at times and was encouraged even in places I couldn‘t directly relate. Well written and thought out. Enjoyable. Thoughtful.
I don‘t remember where I first heard about this book but I was certainly intrigued by the title. The author is humorous and enjoyable to read. It is a very thorough book full of a lot of information. Talked about BS jobs and shared personal insights from interviews. It got a little long for me toward the end but I am glad to have pushed through. Enjoyable book.
Another good story about game warden Joe Pickett. This one was familiar and had all of the beloved characters but was lightly different from others in the series too. It tried to integrate new cultural themes into the plot. I really enjoy the character development and the series overall. Waiting until Feb ‘24 for the next one to come out.
Another vacation book finish. I liked this one. It told the story of the author and how he grew up and overcame many obstacles. He went on to crazy physical feats and ultramarathons! He is an intense and seemingly genuine person. I‘m not sure how the mind over matter tough it out mantra translates to my life but I did find it encouraging.
Vacation read while in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I think I only have one more from Haruf. I really like his writing and stories. They are slow burns a little and don‘t fit conventional writing in some ways but they are well written and enjoyable. I think I save his last written book for last—this one was his second.
This one was referenced in another book I read recently. I enjoyed it. I related to him as someone in recovery from addiction. I did not relate to his endurance racing passion! But I really did find it interesting. He is a quirky person but how could he not be to do what he does.
I enjoyed this story. It is written in a slower but well developed sort of way. The characters are interesting and personal. This is Kent Haruf‘s first book. I‘ve read three others—in the Plainsong series. I‘m not sure how many more of his books are left for me to read, but I‘m expecting that I will read them.