Was lent to me by a friend, and while there were definitely some very funny parts, the style of writing just isn't quite my cup of tea. Happy to read it for her, but I doubt I'll read it again.
Was lent to me by a friend, and while there were definitely some very funny parts, the style of writing just isn't quite my cup of tea. Happy to read it for her, but I doubt I'll read it again.
This was just as good as the first volume. I like how he can't find a worthy opponent among all the monsters he fights.
Kind of loses its "punch" when you've already seen the anime. At least the show is a good representation of the books.
One-Punch Man continues to be fantastic with its absurdity. Monsters and thugs abound, but Saitama is far more concerned that he forgot it was bargain day at the market. Despite being a superhero for fun the last three years, he's not recognized and even mistaken for a terrorist. It's good stuff.
I only cracked the cover of volume 2 and I'm already laughing X-D This series is amazing!