So this one wasn‘t for me. I pretty much speed through it but didn‘t enjoy it and spend time looking closely at it. It had some potential though.
If the drawing was more like the pic above I think it would have been better :)
So this one wasn‘t for me. I pretty much speed through it but didn‘t enjoy it and spend time looking closely at it. It had some potential though.
If the drawing was more like the pic above I think it would have been better :)
I‘m not really feeling it. The art work is not what my fav would be. It‘s a bit crude? I‘m not sure how accurate the description is. I‘ll keep at it though.
Picked this up at Half Priced Booms the other day. It peaked my interest. I‘m on a bit of a graphic novel kick the last few days.
Ventured into the very intimidating world of comic book shops in my new home. Still completely overwhelmed but I think I pulled it off. Anybody know anything I should start picking up? Also went into a record store just to completely scare myself.