My daughter burned her hand at work (at Starbucks) today. Luckily there's an urgent care right next door, so my monkey and I are hanging out here while we wait for her to be seen. Glad I brought my book.
My daughter burned her hand at work (at Starbucks) today. Luckily there's an urgent care right next door, so my monkey and I are hanging out here while we wait for her to be seen. Glad I brought my book.
I took my little man to Target this morning, and we went a little nuts in the book department. He scored a bit bigger than I did.
Happy Independent Bookstore Day! Had a lovely afternoon with my son. 2 bookstores, 7 books (4 are his), 2 cheeseburgers! He even bought me a tote bag! #independentbookstoreday #minihaul #TalkingLeavesBookstore #BurningBooksBookstore
This started off really well- I could hardly put it down for the first half- but the sheer awfulness of EVERY SINGLE CHARACTOR became hard to take. Additionally none of the storylines actually went anywhere. The author gets (most of) her charactors in very hot water but doesn't resolve their stories. This was depressing.
This book is about DC, and will be enjoyed most by people who live or have lived here. She does an excellent job with setting, and I can see that there is an element that a reader unfamiliar with DC would miss - like any book in which the setting is really another character. As someone who lives here, has been politically involved, and also teaches high school, I loved it. But I am a pretty narrow audience. I can see how others may lose interest.
I miss the time you picked up a book to lose yourself in a story and have ZERO clue as to the political bent of the author. If you‘re wanting a suspense story (as the first chapter promises but FAILS TO DELIVER IN A HUGE WAY) avoid this one at all costs. I‘m salty I paid full cover price for this. There is not one likable character, too much political pontificating and very little plot or storyline. Save your money and more importantly your time.
ARC bookmail! I'm excited to read The Cave Dwellers expected release date 5/25/2021