Kinda like this!
A tumultuous and disturbing story about unconventional families and struggles to maintain safety and resilience. It might be a trigger for those sensitive to stories involving domestic abuse, serial killers and mass shootings.
“Some people leave a legacy of goodness behind them.”
I‘m shocked I loved this book as much as I did. It seemed long but I think that is because it spans a lot of time. I loved the characters and the storyline. Such a well written and emotional book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Legacy follows Adrian Rizzo from age 7 when her biological father attempts to kill her & is killed by her mother in self defense. Adrian begins receiving anonymous threatening poems yearly in her late teens through the present & the tragic past comes back to haunt her & her mother. A private detective investigates the poems and discovers a serial killer is targeting women that were involved with Adrian's biological father when he was alive.
I colored for 3.5 hours today listening to this audiobook, that‘s how into it I was and how bad I wanted to finish it.
The secondary romance in this book is between two dogs and I‘m 100% here for it. 😍😍😍🐩🐕
Adrian Rizzo has drive, determination, a loving family - and a poet stalker. Raylan Wells works as a comic book artist. For the most part a slice of life sort of story with good people working towards happiness. The suspense elements here were good (though decidedly back burner), but didn't strike me as organic as in Roberts' The Obsession.
This felt familiar, but enjoyable.
The characters are both amazingly brilliant, yet full of flaws. I loved this most recent book with its family dynamics, beautiful friendships and a stalker turned killer. Aiden was almost murdered by her father. She grew up with a fitness icon for a mother and has built her own spin-off empire around workouts and staying healthy. I thought she was such an interesting character. Raylon, a widow with 2 young children is back in his hometown.
This was a great suspense romance, which Nora is well known for. However there are several TR: cheating (small and not main characters), school violence and death of a spouse.
The suspense portion of this book is quite dark, but the love story is really lovely. Another book for #bookspinbingo and #audiojune