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The Lost Package
The Lost Package | Richard Ho
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The heartwarming story of a package that gets lost, then found and an in-depth behind the scenes look at what happens at the post office, in Richard Ho and Jessica Lanan's The Lost Package...
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The Lost Package | Richard Ho
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I have to praise @Nessavamusic my #CreepyChristmas package was unfortunately stolen we just found out yesterday. She I bet sent me a beautiful package. She didn't have to but she send me a Barnes and Noble gift card so I can get a Creepy book for the exchange which I will be going on Saturday to do. I truly love this community. @teebe

TheBookHippie Oh how awful to get it stolen. Litsy is a beautiful community! 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @TheBookHippie Yes it is and they took several packages 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 My apartment complex had a new mail carrier that day and they put all the packages on the maintenance stairs which are hardly used. And yes this community is. 2y
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Nessavamusic Unfortunately it happens way too much! I couldn‘t let you completely miss out on the fun. 🥰 2y
TheBookHippie @Endowarrior21 oh my word. Ugh. 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @Nessavamusic 💖😊🤩🧡💕 2y
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The Lost Package | Richard Ho
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Mitch! Look what finally showed up! 🤯

Apparently it‘s had quite a trip around the world. The box has been a bit abused but everything inside seems to be okay.

It‘s just in time to be packed and moved back across the world. 😆😆😆

Mitch Oh wow - 5 months of travelling! Glad it got there! Eventually! 2y
Mitch And hopefully everything is almost intact! Enjoy 😉 2y
wanderinglynn @Mitch it was! Thank you. 😘 I forgot to take a photo of it unwrapped before it got packed. 2y
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