Help! I want to do that challenge where you tag a book a day from the TBR pile...
But I can't find the # ...
Help! I want to do that challenge where you tag a book a day from the TBR pile...
But I can't find the # ...
I love Maggie Nelson‘s writing. Here, she‘s noodling on freedom through the lens of art, sex, drugs, and climate. She‘s deeply cerebral yet somehow I never quite get lost. I liked The Argonauts better because it gave me more of her interspersed with her thoughts, but this is really good. I‘d love to be her friend and just sit and have long chats.
Some author events give me context for books I‘ve already read. Others, like this TIFA event with Maggie Nelson, give me the impetus and excitement to delve into a big book of ideas that has been sitting on my shelf since it came out. Nelson answered an audience question with the reminder that we have one life, and that your best life is one where you remain true to yourself. ❤️
Can I have all the books please?