I also REALLY wanted to buy this tote bag, but managed to resist the temptation. I love the tarot card style design. I am already carrying too much stuff with me on the plane and didn‘t need to spend $24 on another tote bag.
I also REALLY wanted to buy this tote bag, but managed to resist the temptation. I love the tarot card style design. I am already carrying too much stuff with me on the plane and didn‘t need to spend $24 on another tote bag.
Layover in Portland, and I couldn‘t resist buying something from the Powell‘s Books kiosk at the airport. Grabbed this cute pencil case which is now conveniently holding all of my pens! I hope to go to the actual @Powells someday when I am in Portland for a real visit...
Oh @MinDea you got me carried away thinking about my favorite things in Portland!
1. A pic of something unique in your city.
2. Your favorite color
3. Your favorite season
4. Currently reading?
5. New or used books?
5. Old for cherishing, new for reading and marking up
4. Vampires in the Lemon Grove 🍋
3. Fall 🍂 (but Summer bc ⛺️)
2. Blue 🌌💙🌊📖
1. Dunno about unique but here are my favorite--details in the comments.
This was great! I probably wouldn't have bought it for myself, but it was an excellent gift, and would make a great gift for any born-and-bred Portlander or a newcomer to the city.
I am loving learning more about Portland. This book is delightful. Informative and readable.
Finished book 6, am paused on book 7 (#audiobookscount), and am starting book 8, a gift from one of my attorneys for Christmas. I'm ahead of schedule and planning to stay on track this year. #readingchallenge #westillread
I love this book so much. Here's a map of the world organized according to how well each nation's cuisine is represented by Portland food trucks. A must for anyone who loves PDX or urban planning