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Beulah's House of Prayer
Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
7 posts | 1 read | 12 to read
Some storms bring destruction. Others bring salvation. In 1934 the tiny town of Barmy, Oklahoma, is in desperate need of a miracle. The cows are hungry, the rain wont fall, most of Main Street is boarded up. Young aspiring trapeze artist Sugar Watson is dumped unceremoniously into this bleak setting with little money and only one thing on her mindescape. Beulah Clinton, a Holy Ghost preacher, has dedicated herself to helping the distressed in this ragged little wasteland, and Sugar soon finds herself thrown in with Marigold Lawford, the simple-minded widow of the richest man in town, and Homer Guppy, a boy trouble follows like dust after a wind. Despite Sugars immediate distaste of Barmy, Beulahs patience, Marigolds kindness, and Homers unconditional love make her reconsider the meaning of home. On Black Sunday, the worst dust storm in history brings with it a choice: Sugar must decide whether or not to return home, leaving the hospitalityand loveof Barmys inhabitants. A stunning Depression-era literary novel with a touch of magical realism, Beulah's House of Prayer captivates until the very end.
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Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
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99sinJuly #NoRain There's no rain or money in Barmy, Oklahoma, life is hard, & Black Sunday--one of the worst dust storms in American history, is on it's way. This prompt made me think of Beulah's House of Prayer--a book I read & loved last year & its setting of Oklahoma & the Dust Bowl. Here are a few books from my stacks that feature it. I read The Grapes of Wrath in high school and the bottom two books are still in my e-book #TBR stack.

Cinfhen Just commenting to @geodynamical about how horrific the Dust Bowl was 7y
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Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
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#LyricalApril #TakeMeToChurch These books came to mind as faith, religion, &/or church (for better or worse) are central to the story. Joan of Arc is a new addition to my #TBR pile, Beulah's House of Prayer was a favorite 2016 read, The Guineveres is set in a convent, & Lincoln in the Bardo is my current audio book & is set in the space between life & death. The photos are from a work trip to Montreal a few years ago--my one free day in the city.

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elkeOriginal Wow - Joan of Arc and The Guineveres sound AMAZING. 7y
Cinfhen Gorgeous collage and fabulous choices! I'm anxious to read all those titles! 7y
Flaneurette Love those Montreal pics! 7y
DebinHawaii @elkeo I'm excited about Joan of Arc & although I found The Guineveres a tad slow, it's a beautifully written book. 📚👍 @Cinfhen Thank you! I think Beulah's House of Prayer is a bit of a hidden gem. 📚💜 @Flaneurette Thank you! That was my first & only visit & I wish I had more time to explore! 👍😀 7y
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Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
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Day31 #SeasonsReadings2016 #TopReadsof2016 It was tough to choose my top reads from a truly great reading year but (in no particular order) these nine are the books that most entertained me, made me think, comforted me during the hard times, touched my heart, or transported me to another place.

britt_brooke Nice! 👏🏻 8y
Debiw781 Sleeping Giants and The Bookshop on the Corner were excellent! 8y
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Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
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Day30 #SeptemberPhotoChallenge #bestreadsofseptember #septemberstats Good reading month even being busy. 18 books finished (includes book of poetry & a cookbook for review) & 5 audio books (not counting an early bail). I started 3 books that are still in progress. So many great books & some good thrillers but my faves & the ones in my heart are the 2 listed & the awesome audio version of Sleeping Giants (a favorite July book).📚❤️#somethingforsept

Books_Wine_Repeat Good job! Sleeping Giants was one of my favorites this month. 👍 8y
Sue Yay, well done!! 8y
BethFishReads Sleeping Giants audio is fantastic! Great month 8y
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PurpleyPumpkin Holy cow, that's amazing! What's your secret???😉 8y
RealLifeReading Great month! 8y
melbeautyandbooks Way to go! 8y
DebinHawaii @Books_Wine_Repeat @BethFishReads Thanks. Yes, I loved the book version of SG in July so much & heard from Litsy peeps how good the audio version was so I had to try it. I am glad I did both. Now I just want the next book! 😀👍 @Sue @RealLifeReading @melbeautyandbooks Thank you! 👍📚 @PurpleyPumpkin Thanks! The audio books have really upped my counts & I had a few big mindless projects, walking, & times I had time to listen rather than read.👍 8y
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Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
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This is such a quick but lovely little read. Set in the tiny downtrodden town of Barmy, OK in the 1930s with quirky and likable characters, a little magical realism, and the terrible 'Black Sunday' dust storm. This is my third book by Graham & I'm always amazed at how much story she packs in 220-ish pages. Full book review & recipe for Garlic-Potato Soup w/ Croutons (tonight's dinner) will be on my blog tomorrow for a TLC Book Tour stop. 📚🍴❤️👍

scripturient Great picture! That soup looks sooooo good! 8y
DebinHawaii @scripturient Thank you! It's a Jacques Pepin recipe from the NY Times and it is really yummy! 🍴❤️ 8y
BooksForEmpathy Ahhhhh that soup! 8y
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BookishFeminist 😍😍😍 I love garlic potato soup so much. I'm incredibly jealous. Enjoy! 8y
BethFishReads Ooohhh. Looking forward to book & recipe 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Tell me where I can find your blog, please? Would love to read! 8y
ValerieAndBooks Yum! And I should look into this...my grandparents migrated from OK to CA in the 30s. 8y
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Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
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TGIF! A long week even w/ a holiday in it. My #fridayreads & #weekendreads book goals: getting through at least part of The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo so I'm not running so behind for virtual foodie book club, finishing Beulah's HOP for a book tour next week, picking a soup from Soup Swap to make for a blog event, & finishing Outrage because as good as it is, the subject is hard (abduction/child sex trafficking) & I keep needing to put it down😱😭

Beulah's House of Prayer | Cynthia A. Graham
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A bountiful bookmail week--the left two are prizes, the right four are for book tours--poetry, dramas, and Beulah's House of Prayer a little Oklahoma-set 'Depression-era literary novel with a touch of magical realism.' Love that description, the cover & the author's historical mystery series so I'm looking forward to it the most. #bookmail 📚💌📦📬👍