Always have to check out the bookstore on vacation. Hoping to get started on this one soon
Always have to check out the bookstore on vacation. Hoping to get started on this one soon
“My error was that I thought David was the first of many. That I‘d had a taste of love. I was eager for my future. How could I have known that all the rest- Alex,Laura,William,Vincent,Clarissa,Sarah, and most recently George- were only rivulets after the first brief deluge?”
Doing this one ebook and audio and it‘s beautiful and sad- absolutely gorgeous writing. The audio is 💯 and enhances the experience
So depressing to go back to subzero temps today. I will miss the sun 🌞. 📸: San Jose del Cabo MX
Oof that mediocre George is a real piece of work! I feel like I know this guy
Working on the super mega crossword while watching the snow come down. Finished Rental House and really liked it- really smart observations re race,class, marriage and ambition. Wangs writing has really matured since Chemistry which I also enjoyed
I‘ve got the perfect reading spot this week in Big Sky Montana and the book is good too. Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday
It‘s finally here! I like this list much more than last year #ToB2025
Anyone else get the new #kindle colorsoft? I kind of love it 🥰 . Really liking all these books too
Probably the last beach trip for my old kindle oasis, battery barely holding a charge
Some puzzling omissions on this list but these always spur some good discussions! now to take a look at my tbr and figure out what to prioritize-out of the 34 I want to read-I always want to read the latest buzzy titles tho.
It‘s finally here! Preorder came early yesterday!!
I‘m still processing this graphic novel but it is the story of an abandoned child and how she makes sense of this through the whole arc of her life. I am a gen x‘er child of a teen mother so some of this resonated with my experience of the 70s. These are some panels that grabbed me but note they are not in order
Campy, over the top and not subtle. It‘s fine but unmemorable, definite borrow not buy- glad my library had it.
Guys, I kind of hate this shortlist. Talk me out of it!
1. I LOVE the nyt games app and use it every day, my favorites are: spelling bee, Wordle ,connections and the crossword.
2. Birding and nature walks that I hopefully get decent photos to post on iNaturalist and eBird. Super chill and stress relieving hobby that also feeds into my love of making lists!
3. Wingspan digital game- actual board game is fun too.
Thanks for the tag @dabbe !
Tell you how old I am without telling you how old I am- new #audiopuzzle edition. Well, some of these cartoons are before my time but Saturday morning cartoons in the 70‘s were definitely a big part of my childhood. The book is apt as it addresses existential angst induced by the passing of time.
I am LOVING this audiobook! Such a great story and the narrator(Vikas Adam) is so so great- he has made these characters come alive. I am so glad I decided to do audio after I saw some posts here on Litsy extolling it‘s virtues. The puzzle I‘m not so sure about #audiopuzzling
My youngest starting a new book tonight #immersionreading
Books and Reading are two different hobbies
I am guilty of spending more time curating my tbr and searching for exciting new releases than actually, you know, reading. Once I acquire a new book, either purchased or borrowed from the library, my interest kinda wanes. Anyone else relate?? #bookriot #readerproblems
I‘ll jump in for #two4tuesday
1. Usually just audiobooks on my phone
2. I‘m a huge technophile when it comes to ebooks and I use these in rough order of preference: iPad mini 6, iPad Air 4,kindle oasis 3, and Kobo forma. Also have various other ereaders ie paperwhites,voyage, and nook. I have approximately 2000 print books in my house so I try to limit the number of new ones I buy to avoid a hoarder situation
Finally finished after starting in September! This is well written but literary romance is just not my thing I‘ve realized. Rooney herself seems to understand there is more to life than romantic angst but she can‘t seem convince herself. She‘s an interesting writer and I will be curious to see what she has to say with maturity. I do like this more than Conversations w Friends bc of Rooneys evolving self awareness #tob2022
Reading by the fire on vacation in Montana where I saw this handsome dude yesterday
Omg this book is wrecking me! 😭😭😩
#tobshortlist #tob2022 I really liked this surreal dreamlike novel. I‘m not sure I “got” all the metaphors but I really don‘t think I was supposed to. I think you just need to go with the dream logic and see where you end up. If you liked Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin you may like this. I have so many questions about what happened I can‘t wait to see the discussion on the TOB.
I have so many problems w this book. 1. no sense of place, where does it take place?2.lazy stereotypes abound: lots of hobos, junkies and hookers. One of said “hobo‘s”has a ridiculous Slavic accent written out phonetically. Of course there is a Manic Pixie Dreamgirl too. 3. Pseudo mystical orientalist bs 4. A book is the omniscient narrator 🙄can you get more precious? 5. A character is repeatedly described as fat and sloppy, totally unnecessary
#tob2022 My homegirl Louse Erdrich got put in the play-in round for tob so I think this is going to have to be my zombie pick although The Trees by Everett is amazing so far. I wasn‘t sure about the tone she struck at first with the silly crime caper and the irritating ghost but I think it was the right choice. There is some really heavy shit addressed: covid,BLM protests, and cultural appropriation. Nobody wants to relive that,we‘re still in it⬇️
Does anyone else get annoyed when you can‘t figure out where a novel is set? Is this one New York, San Francisco, or Vancouver maybe?? I guess it is a lack of imagination on my part but I need a place to anchor my mind even if it‘s make believe. For the most part this is a realistic novel so where the heck does it take place? Sorry for the rant
“Maybe memories are not to be forgotten but also not exactly to be remembered…Maybe it‘s memory, which is the exit wound of joy”. This book is a series of letters to people that cannot reply bc they are dead, incapacitated or lost to time. Interspersed are scrapbook/poems about authors immigrant parents.Beautiful, melancholy meditation on time and memory that will likely spark your own ruminations on the past
I‘ve stalled out at 60% on Sally Rooney‘s latest but I‘m flying through this one! Such perceptive observations on mature relationships vs young adult angst is resonating more w me right now
Not ghost stories per se but quirky hauntings with melancholy epiphanies. These micro fiction stories may be too precious for some (and not scary at all) but are just my kind of thing. Loved it and not so patiently waiting for Brockmeier to come out with another novel.
Omg! When is my library gonna buy some more copies??
Found a good indie bookstore on my travels and bought more books including this one
Hey all you experts! I want to cancel my audible subscription because I can find pretty much everything at my awesome library but I have 2 credits left. I have wandering mind syndrome when it comes to audio so I don‘t listen very often. Are there any books on audio that add something over and above the print version? Some audiobooks I have enjoyed are The Anthropocene Reviewed, Milkman, and The Refugees by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Thank you!
Reading about mushrooms at the beach
What in the actual heck is going on in this book? It‘s like someone narrating their crazy ass dream to you and it‘s hard to really concentrate on it because what is the point?
Do you like libraries, librarians, books and precocious children? Who am I kidding, of course you do! You will love this book- it checks all the boxes. Intricate plotting with big themes incl the importance of literature on a personal and cultural scale,climate change, nature & coming of age. Short chapters w alternating POV move the narrative along briskly. Moves from the fall of Constantinople to the future. ⬇️
Oh dear, I shouldn‘t be allowed in the bookstore.My 12 yr old has a reasonable stack of only 2 books
At first I thought “ oh no another white dude creative type in NYC” book but it actually pokes fun of millennial angst and addresses how difficult it is to connect with other humans in this ironic late capitalist world. Gorgeous artwork
Today was the first time I visited my library since the pandemic started, it was so nice to finally be there in person! Also went to Barnes & Noble for the first time in ages and bought the tagged book. Two of my kids also got or renewed their own library cards because they are fully vaccinated as of last Saturday. Lots of good bookish stuff today. #bookhaul
Is it possible to feel nostalgic for something you‘ve never experienced? Case in point: internet photo of pojangmacha (tent bar street food in South Korea). I loved this memoir and now I want ALLL the Korean food! Highly recommended
Well I finally got my #bookspinbingo card done. #bookspin is Second Place and #doublespin is the tagged book. Hopefully I will do better than last month.
I liked this book but it took me forever to finish, I just never felt compelled to pick it up but I did love all the food talk and seeing a different representation of Japanese society than I typically do. Also got to genius on the Nyt spelling bee without looking up hints! Maybe I‘ll go for queen bee today
1. I recently read the tagged book along with the audio because I was on a long car ride and it was so noisy I couldn‘t concentrate on the book otherwise. My noise canceling earbuds don‘t work very well to filter out talking or music unfortunately. First time #immersionreading for me, it did help but had to speed up audio.
2. I really don‘t do well with audio but I wish I did- any tips appreciated!
Maybe this will give me the kick in the pants to get through some of my tbr. I don‘t really know what I‘m doing but here is my #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo