Tore through it with delight at its quirk. Loved the little connections between stories.
Tore through it with delight at its quirk. Loved the little connections between stories.
Douglas Coupland never ceases to keep me interested. Loved these short and strange stories. Book 2 of the New Year.
From the man who famously named Generation X: short, binge worthy and often cringe worthy (in the best way) stories, loosely connected with multiple cameos, lots of pop culture references and dark humor. This may be my favorite book by Coupland. And yes, that‘s a pre-Friends Courteney Cox dancing on the cover.
Apparently this collection of flash fiction is called Binge because you can‘t read just one. Apparently they worked for me because I listened to the entire audiobook twice! The darkly funny tales are tangentially interconnected—characters; Rubbermaid bins; classic muscle cars; noravirus, SARS & covid; murder… I‘ll never look at cargo carriers on cars the same way, so the subtitle about changing my brain is true also! Multiple narrators ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I realize this isn‘t even an actual story, with a beginning and end, I‘m telling you here. It‘s bits of autobiography. But if our lives aren‘t stories, what are they? Glorified microbes on a Petri dish?
For six months or so after my recovery, the people where I worked were greatly relieved when I telecommuted. Telecommuted. Boy, what an old-fashioned word that is. I worked from home.
I didn‘t dread sex, but pleasure-wise, it rated somewhere around having to vigorously use a coal tar shampoo to get rid of lice. Just something you have to do.
“In the 1950s they were dropping bombs like firecrackers all over Nevada. In the casinos, they‘d announce the blasts so the gamblers could go outside to view the mushroom cloud. It was fun! But if you dropped one small nuke now people would freak out like little babies & run around suing whoever they could and, I don‘t know, getting hysterical thyroid cancer.” —‘Effexor‘
Coincidentally, Watkins said her mother watched nuclear blasts as a child.
Chances are, you‘ve never torched a vintage muscle car.
Outside after work and soaking up the summer ???? God why is it so hot today??? Also didn‘t know this book existed until a few days ago, funny so far.
Been majorly MIA and experiencing a bit of a slump - not buying books but reading them 😂 but I for this ARC today and I‘m super excited! My favourite is Girlfriend in a Coma!