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Echi in tempesta. L'Attraversaspecchi - 4
Echi in tempesta. L'Attraversaspecchi - 4 | Christelle Dabos
12 posts | 12 read | 8 to read
Nellultimo avvincente capitolo della saga, Christelle Dabos ci trasporta, con la potenza suggestiva del suo ritmo incalzante, in un grande gioco di fantasia avvinto alle vicende fin troppo umane dei suoi protagonisti. Ofelia e Thorn affrontano un universo colmo di allegorie e di realt interiori profonde, di orizzonti antichi e di sentimenti nuovi, fino a scovare la verit che da sempre nascosta dietro lo specchio. Crollati gli ultimi muri della diffidenza, Ofelia e Thorn si amano ormai appassionatamente. Tuttavia non possono farlo alla luce del sole: la loro unione deve infatti rimanere nascosta perch possano continuare a indagare di concerto sullindecifrabile codice di Dio e sulla misteriosa figura dellAltro, lessere di cui non si conosce laspetto, ma il cui potere devastante continua a far crollare interi pezzi di arche precipitando nel vuoto migliaia di innocenti. Come trovare lAltro, senza sapere nemmeno com fatto? Pi uniti che mai, ma impegnati su piste diverse, Ofelia e Thorn approderanno allosservatorio delle Deviazioni, un istituto avvolto dal segreto pi assoluto e gestito da una setta di scienziati mistici in cui, dietro la facciata di una filantropica clinica psichiatrica, si cela un laboratorio dove vengono condotti esperimenti disumani e terrificanti. l che si recheranno i due, l scopriranno le verit che cercano e da l proveranno a fermare i crolli e a riportare il mondo in equilibrio.
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This final book in the series was a let down. I was ok with how the ultimate mystery at the heart of the story resolved, but the relationships amongst the main characters was really poorly done, IMO. I don‘t require happy endings as long as they make sense. https://cannonballread.com/2022/09/the-storm-of-echoes-the-mirror-visitor-book-4...

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The final book in The Mirror Visitor quartet.

I‘m really going to miss Ophelia, Thorn, Archibald, aunt Rosaline and Berenilde

I loved seeing how Ophelia grew from the first book into the woman in this final book.

In this final book Ophelia and Thorn are on the same Ark we‘re we left them in book 3 and they continue on their search.

I divide up bigger books so this is both my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for June

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Wow, I can‘t believe I‘m done with the series. This book was one hell of a wild ride. I‘m still not sure how I feel about the ending…this series was excellent, the characters, the worldbuilding (reminded me of Studio Ghibli movies a lot), it‘s been a while since a story pulled me in like this.
I really hope that the story will continue…

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The final book in a series you‘re heavily invested in is always going to be tricky. I personally love these books and recommend them a lot. This final book was great for me because of the Ophelia and Thorne content, but was pretty darn confusing in most other ways. Maybe it‘s just a matter of things getting a little lost in translation (these books are originally French) but I still love love love them. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Finished this one yesterday. It left me wanting to scream, throw it across the room, then pick it up, hug it and demand when there will be a follow up.
Loved this whole series and so we‘ll done.

Nebklvr Havent gotten this one yet. Is it the last one? Does it sound like there will be more? 3y
SilverShanica This is the last one in the quartet. I haven‘t heard anything to suggest there will be more, but as it was originally published in French and then translated there may be plans for a new or continuation of the series that hasn‘t filtered down the pipeline yet. 3y
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The nice thing about real book : I get a cover to draw in my journal, the bad thing about real book : carrying a doorstopper around

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When you only went to the library to give back books and you came back with... 2 others books....

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#Haunted Day 16: Quite a lot of #Wizardry in this fantasy novel, that‘s for sure. Yay for paella!

KristiAhlers Are you enjoying that series? I‘m looking for a new fantasy series as I‘ve inhaled Sarah J Maas and a few other fantasy reads and now I‘m stuck without one to swan dive into. 3y
GatheringBooks @Katbooklover this is the fourth book in the series, and while I do not claim to be super enamored by it, I do feel that the premise and world-building are pretty good. But if you‘re looking for a new fantasy series to dive into, may i suggest this one instead. The Winternight Trilogy is absolutely amazing. 3y
KristiAhlers @GatheringBooks thank you! I‘ll check that series out! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So yummy looking!! 3y
Eggs Pretty cover❣️ 3y
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The last book in The Mirror Visitor quartet has arrived! 💕📚 I am so in love with the dreamy colorful covers! 😍

Weisubei Love this series, can't wait to read the last book 😁😁 3y
AnneCecilie I love this series, can‘t wait to get my hands on the last book 3y
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I just have to pick this up tomorrow:)