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Gobbelino London & a Scourge of Pleasantries
Gobbelino London & a Scourge of Pleasantries | Watt M. Kim
3 posts | 1 read | 1 to read
When a mercenary feline PI and his human partner agree to find a missing book, it sounds like easy money - until they discover their client's actually a sorcerer, and the book is a Book of Power that's gone a bit feral. Now they've got 48 hours to get it back before it turns the world - and them - inside out...
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I can't believe it's already time for the May #BookSpin lists! I'm still a little behind for the year but making progress. New to the list this month are the tagged and His Majesty's Dragon.

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I can't believe we're almost to the last #BookSpin draw of 2023! This month the list welcomes the tagged as well as Stories of Your Life and Others. So excited to see what the next item to tackle on my neverending tbr will be.

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Leeds, UK & Gobbelino London (feline PI) & his human sidekick, Callum, are hired by a mysterious client to find a missing book that belongs to her. Gobbelino is a little apprehensive as there is something about the woman that is off but he can't quite put his paw on what. As the hunt begins, it soon becomes clear that Gobbelino's sixth sense was right & this is much more than just a missing book. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf I loved this. What a change from the usual morose human detectives, instead we have a snarky feline & his human sidekick. Gobbelino is instantly lovable even though he is unfailingly sarcastic & a bit of a curmudgeon - although he's quick to act the innocent kitty if needs be! Believe me, if you have ever owned a cat, you will recognise your feline friend here. I actually laughed out loud in several places. 9mo
OutsmartYourShelf I am definitely going to read the rest of the series. 4🌟

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5338532956
Read 28th-30th Oct 2023

Readathons 385 pts
Post 1pt
Words 620 pts
Genre 20 pts

Total 1026 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks
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TheSpineView Great job! 9mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
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