I loved this first paragraph
The perfect autumnal read.
Witches, goblins and fairies.
Friendships. Traitors. Family Found.
What more could you wish for?
I will definitely read the next book in the series
I‘m just back after spending 5 days in Paris. There I only read 13p in The Sweet Dove Died
My reading picked up once I got back and I have done quite a lot of reading yesterday and so far today
I‘ve finished Hedgewitch
I continued Sovereign #ShardlakeBR and Katti Anker Møller
I‘ve also read some more in The Sweet Dove Died
The room was circular and Cassie realised that they must be in one of the turrets she‘d seen from the outside. There were two deep-set windows on opposite sides, one with a window seat which she saw immediately would be perfect for reading. […] and, best of all, there was a bookshelf stuffed with books.
#currentlyreading #preview #middlefiction #aprilrso2022 #printproof Plus my plant with spiky flowers 💐