Tagged along with hubby on a business trip to Toronto. After a bit of retail therapy I‘m now enjoying a little down time with the tagged book. I wouldn‘t mind sailing off to a beautiful tropical island. ☀️🏝️#readyourkindle #readyourebooks
Tagged along with hubby on a business trip to Toronto. After a bit of retail therapy I‘m now enjoying a little down time with the tagged book. I wouldn‘t mind sailing off to a beautiful tropical island. ☀️🏝️#readyourkindle #readyourebooks
Enjoying this one so far. Virginie and Jake decide to buy a sailboat and live on it. Their plan was to sail to Thailand but made a detour and decided to hang out on a “deserted” island. This reminds me of Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins
After Jake and Virginie go all in on living aboard a boat, they decide to go to a reportedly paradisiacal island in the Indian Ocean. We know things go wrong from how the book starts but only about 3 pages of this “thriller” are at all thrillery. Great idea, poor execution.
I love books set on deserted islands so this was a no-brainer request for me! Newlyweds set sail for a tropical deserted island recommended by a local they meet in a bar. But you know it won‘t be paradise, right? Making friends with the 3 other couples there is a great idea…at first…until things go wrong! Creepy good!
#Netgalley Out May 31st