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Bethany's Sin
Bethany's Sin | Robert R. McCammon
6 posts | 7 read | 5 to read
A family moves to a small town dominated by a murderous cult Despite its eerie name, Bethanys Sin is a pleasant place. After a life of grim poverty, this new community seems like heaven to Evan Reid and his family. With its quaint shops, manicured lawns, and fresh summer smell, the town charms the Vietnam veteran, his wife, and their daughter like nowhere else they have ever been. But beneath that cheerful faade lurks something deadly. As soon as they enter their new house, Evan is consumed by fear. He cant place its source, but there is something about the towns mayor, Kathryn Drago, which makes him uneasy. By day she is a harmless retired archaeologist. But at night she leads an Amazonian cult whose next ritual calls for a secret ingredient: the blood of Evan Reid.
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Bethany's Sin | Robert R. McCammon
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As the primary film reference to my name for MANY years, I had to use Aunt Bethany for my choice in today‘s #WinterReadathonDailyChallenge 🤣😂#winterreadathon
@Andrew65 @DieAReader

DieAReader 🤣🎄♥️ 2y
TheBookHippie FAVORITE!!! 2y
Andrew65 😂😂😂 2y
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Bethany's Sin | Robert R. McCammon
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This was McCammon's second novel. Although I didn't enjoy it as much as some of his others it was still a good read.

A family moves to an idyllic small town to start over. Things aren't as they appear on the outside though. This book does a great job of making you question shadows in the dark. It also has an interesting storyline involving Amazonians and mythology that was a fun addition.

Karkar @Addison_Reads what is you favorite by him? I have been wanting to start reading him but not seen a lot of people post about him. 3y
Addison_Reads @Karkar I'm always surprised he isn't more popular. I only started reading him in the past few years after seeing a review here on Litsy, but he's become a favorite author now. My favorite is Swan Song, which has similar vibes to The Stand. A close second is Boy's Life, which is a coming of age tale set in a town where creepy things keep happening. 3y
Reggie I haven‘t read this one of his. Sounds good though. 3y
Addison_Reads @Reggie I'm guilty of buying up cheap used copies of anything by McCammon on Thriftbooks.com. I found this one on there for $3.75. Plus, I just love the covers on the older paperbacks. 3y
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Bethany's Sin | Robert R. McCammon
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I hoped to like this more than I actually did. Just a mediocre horror story. I felt sorry for the main character. His wife was not supportive at all. A town where all the women are in charge, all the men are victims and any men left alive are kept as sperm donors.

Naj Sounds like a gender role reversal version of Handmaid's Tale 6y
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Bethany's Sin | Robert R. McCammon
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So far this book reminds me of Harvest Home by Thomas Tryon. Published 15 years earlier.

night_shift Really digging that cover. 6y
Lel2403 Harvest Home.....I read that years ago.... 6y
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Bethany's Sin | Robert R. McCammon
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So im new here , but im gonna start off with saying I am a retro horror book junky!!! And MacCammon is a must if you love horror!!! I love finding old paperbacks!im a book loving alien what can i say👽💋#horror #paperbacksfromhell #horrorfiction #booknerd #horrorstory #read #booklover #bookaddict #read #retro

ptkpepe98 Have you read "The Exorcist?" And from the humorous horror genre (is there such a thing?), "My Best Friend's Exorcism" or "Horrorstor?" Creepy as you giggle. 6y
MStew @ptkpepe98 they are bith on my list to read own both and horrorstor takes place in cleveland near me so its gonna be even better 6y
vivastory If you like retro horror, definitely check out 6y
MStew @vivastory thanks!!! I love paperbacks from he'll I got it for Christmas last year it's so cool!! So many retro books i want 6y
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Bethany's Sin | Robert R. McCammon
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These are not the oldest books I've owned, but they are the oldest I can get my hands on at the moment. They were all re-issued in 1988, and I got them all within a week of each other (no one bookstore had a copy of each) #BookYouveOwnedLongest #riotgram

Debiw781 Love these books! I bought them around that time too 7y
Mel Swan Song is one of my absolute favs! 7y
Texreader Haha! I've stalked bookstores for the same reason! 7y
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